- Are you a young person or a civil society organization (CSO) that wants to make a positive difference in your community and the world?
- Do you want to join a global network of youth and CSOs that are working together to make the world safer from terrorism and violent extremism?
- Do you want to design and lead the change that you think is best for your community and country?
What do we want to do?
We at UNODC want to work together with young people to design and implement youth-led action for a world safer from terrorism and violence.
This new initiative aims to empower youth leaders and youth-led organizations to prevent and respond to terrorism and violent extremism in their communities, regions, and beyond. The programme is based on the recognition that young people are often best placed to imagine and realize the change that their communities need.

Why join us?
The programme will provide participating young people and youth-led organizations with opportunities to:
- Design projects and directly lead their implementation.
- Review and approve projects as the member of a youth board.
- Receive mentoring and coaching by experts and experienced practitioners on how to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate projects.
- Connect with young people and CSOs from different countries and regions, as well as with UN agencies, governments, academia, media, and the private sector.
- Receive funding support for projects, subject to availability of resources and compliance with UN rules and regulations.
- Visibility and recognition for achievements and contributions
Who can participate?
Youth Network
The programme is open to youth-lead organizations who want to be actively involved in designing and leading action for communities, and countries safer from terrorism and violence. You can click the link on the WhatsOn platform to register your organization to be one of the members in our network!
Youth-led organizations should be legally registered and have a mandate and track record in working on preventing and countering terrorism and violent extremism. This is a global initiative and is open to participation from anywhere in the world where there is a need for more safety from terrorism and violent extremism.
When registering on WhatsOn, please select tags #Youth-led/youth-focused and #PVE/Terrorism Prevention.

Youth-led Board
You can also engage with the initiative by joining the Youth-led Board which will play a pivotal role in the selection and oversight of projects that receive UNODC grants to implement PVE projects!
Eligible candidates should be between 18 and 29 years old at the time of application, and have a demonstrated interest in working towards outcomes that contribute to more safety from, and resilience to, terrorism and violent extremism.
Take action NOW to apply to be one of the board member by 16 October 2023. Register here: https://bit.ly/3EQ6P0Q