This ideological leader is the mastermind of Hasina’s downfall

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Chief Advisor to the Interim Government. One of the coordinators of the anti-discrimination student movement has been appointed as the special assistant of Muhammad Yunus. Mahfuz Alam.

Mahfuz Alam joined the interim government as the third coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement. However, since his appointment, the question in everyone’s mind is, who is this Mahfuz Alam? Even though he was not discussed in that way during the movement of students and people, suddenly he became the special assistant of the chief adviser, but questions are swirling in everyone’s mind about him.

Mahfuz Alam was the coordinator of the Liaison Committee of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement. His house is in Isapur village of Ramganj upazila of Lakshmipur upazila. Study in Dhaka University. He is a student of the 2015-16 academic year of Dhaka University Law Department. Besides, he is known in the campus as the theoretical leader of the student organization Gonantrik Chhatra Shakti.

Mahfuz Alam came to the first discussion after Sheikh Hasina left the country after leaving the post of Prime Minister. A few days later, he gave a special interview to the international media Reuters as a representative of the anti-discrimination student movement. There, along with the opening of a new political organization, he told about retaining the spirit of mass uprising, integrating the government, and creating the outline of the future Bangladesh by talking to various stakeholders of the state and society.

Meanwhile, it has been found out about him that he has accelerated the anti-discrimination student movement from behind. Many call him the mastermind of the 24th movement and the coordinator of coordinators.


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