These haters of Islam, haters of hijab are sitting as professors of DU!

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Parents name is Azizur Rahman. But look at the work. A DU teacher posted a post on Facebook congratulating her students on an outstanding achievement and this Aziz ki kusit made an irrelevant comment. This Aziz is again a professor of DU. What does he teach his students in the classroom who nurtures such Islamophobia and hijab hatred in his mentality? The amount of malice that these Shahbagi Islamophobic Aziz cherish in their mosques is again evident through his offensive comments about the beauty and dignity of Muslim women “Hijab”. They find such problems in everything in Islam. They want to put all Islamic rules against Bengali culture!

Aziz also misspelled “girl” and insulted these students of DU by bringing up the topic of women’s clothing. And the coat and tie that Aziz wore is a Bengali man’s clothing?

Well, now the Bangladeshi media and Shahbagis who want freedom of clothing will make a storm on social media about this? Or will everything be limited to one-sided places as always?


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