The price of sacrificial animals in the market of Pallabi area of Mirpur in the capital has been seen to decrease slightly on Saturday. Sales have also increased. This is what was seen when visiting the Eastern Housing area.
Next Monday is the holy Eid-ul-Azha. On this occasion, buying and selling of sacrificial animals has started in the capital from last Thursday. It will continue until the day of Eid. Since the beginning of selling animals in the market, the buyers have been complaining about the price. However, after talking to the sellers and the people involved in the management of the hut, it is known that the sales have increased after giving some discount in the price today.
After buying the animal, you have to leave the market with the money. On the surface, it can be seen that there is a crowd in front of the Hasil house in the eastern housing area. Because of the high sales, there is a long wait in front of the hall.
Kamrul Islam, a cow seller of Sirajganj Sadar Upazila, told Prothom Alo that he came to the market with two cows of the same size. Yesterday he sold one for 1 lakh 5 thousand taka. The price of the remaining one is 95 thousand rupees. But buyers are saying the price is 85 thousand taka.
Sabbir Ahmed, a resident of Mirpur area number 12, bought a medium-sized cow for Tk 85,000. Standing in front of the house, he told Prothom Alo that the price today is a little lower than yesterday. He had to return home empty-handed from the market on Friday because the prices were high.

It can also be seen from the surface, there are still enough cows and goats in the market. Along with cows, goats are also being sold at a slightly lower price.
After buying the goat, two brothers named Anwar and Arman were waiting in front of Hasil’s house. When asked how much they bought, they said, 12,000 taka. They also said that the buyer asked the price of the goat for 21 thousand taka.
Goats of the same shape were seen being sold at 15,000 to 16,000 taka in Diabari and Shahjahanpur markets of the capital yesterday.