Stop joining Jamaat from other parties

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Leaders and activists of other parties will be stopped from joining Jamaat-e-Islami. Those who have already joined will have their membership suspended. Jamaat Secretary General Mia Golam Parwar said this in a statement on Tuesday.

Recently a Chhatra League leader joined Jamaat in Sylhet. It was criticized on social media.

Ghulam Parwar said in a statement that anyone inspired by the ideals of the Jamaat can join the party. However, we are going through a special situation after the student uprising. Jamaat-e-Islami is implementing a program to stand by the families of those martyred and injured in the anti-discrimination movement and participate in their mourning. Besides, activities are continuing with the help of flood victims.

In such a situation, if someone from another party wants to join Jamaat at the metropolis, district, upazila, thana, municipality, ward and unit level, they must take permission from the higher organization. Those who have already joined will have their membership suspended.


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