Pilgrims pray to Allah at Arafat Maidan

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The formalities of Hajj have started from Friday (June 14). Pilgrims had been camping in Mina since morning. He spent the whole time in worship, Tasbih-Tahlil.

From there, they started staying in Mina from sunset on 9 Zilhajj (local time in Saudi Arabia). According to Saudi authorities, more than 2 million people will perform Hajj this year.

Pilgrims have already reached Arafah Maidan to perform the main prayer of Hajj. Imam and Khatiba of Masjidul Haram Shaykh Maher Al Muwaikili will deliver the Hajj Khutba from Masjid-e-Namira.

Pilgrims will spend the entire time in worship at Arafat Square. Here they will perform Zuhr-Asr prayers together. Pray to Allah wholeheartedly.

Every year in the field of Arafah, various scenes of the tear-wet heart-melting prayers of the pilgrims are revealed. Which stirs the hearts of Muslims all over the world. Saudi media SPA, Masjidul Haram’s information-based website Insight the Haramain has published some scenes of the heart-rending prayers of the pilgrims.

>> After performing Fajr prayers in Mina, proceed to Arafat Square with sincere repentance.

>> 9 Zilhaj 9 Zilhajj is one of the most important and obligatory tasks of Hajj to stay in the field of Arafat from before the sun sets in the western sky.

>> eating and drinking and other necessary tasks should be done before the time of Zuhr. It is Sunnah to take a bath for ‘Arafah before the Zuhr prayer after the sun has set.

As soon as the time for >> prayer is over, stay anywhere in the Arafat Square including Masjid al-Namira and offer prayers in their respective places. That is, at the time of Zuhr and Asr, to perform Asr prayers and to make dua-istighfar.

It is to be noted that in the case of prayers in congregation, if the congregation of Zuhr and Asr in the mosque is performed together in two Iqamats in one Azan, then two times can be performed together. But instead of praying together in a tent or in any other place, it should be paid separately.

>> On the day of Arafah, raise both hands and pray more. In particular, the supplications of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the previous Prophets (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were recited. One of the supplications of Arafah is ‘La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la shariqalahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa ‘ala kulli shaiyin qadir’. ’

>> recitation of the Qur’an and sending blessings to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are the best deeds in the field of Arafat.

>> if possible, spend time in the field of Arafat through prayer and Isteghfar in the prostration of Allah Rabbul Alamin.

>> Immediately after sunset, one should leave for Muzdalifah without reciting Maghrib.

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