MP Siddiqui called journalists ‘corrupt’

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Siddiqur Rahman Patwari said, ‘I can’t find anyone else except Saiful when I give the journalist’s name in the law and order meeting. There is no one who does not commit corruption. I don’t see anyone except Saiful as a real journalist. If you say I am blind then I am blind. One person seems to be better, not everyone is honest anymore.’

President of Baraigram Upazila Press Club Ohidul Haque protested this statement of the member of Parliament and said to Samad Sangbad, ‘No one can provide proof of corruption against any member of the Press Club. Even when they are in need, they never give up individuality. Still, such a false accusation hurt my liver. It is not right to blame someone like this. I strongly condemn and protest this statement.

President of Baraigram Central Press Club, Amar De Costa, told the media at the time, ‘The proof of what the member of parliament has said must be provided. If he cannot provide proof, his statement should be withdrawn. We will all sit together and take the next decision.’
In this regard, Member of Parliament Siddiqur Rahman Patwari told the news, ‘Find out who is good. Those who write more are more corrupt. Journalists are the mirror of society. I have said this in the context of conducting character-building activities favorable to this mirror.’

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