Khamenei’s comments on India’s Muslims, condemned by New Delhi

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New Delhi strongly condemned Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s comments on minorities in India. 

Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal gave this response on Monday.

He said, we strongly condemn the comments made by Iran’s supreme leader about the minorities of India. These are incorrect information and unacceptable. 

Randhir Jaiswal said, countries that are talking about minorities – I advise them to look at their own actions before observing others.

Earlier on Monday, Khamenei addressed a gathering of religious leaders in Tehran, the capital of Iran. There he spoke about the ‘plight’ of Muslims in Gaza, India and Myanmar. Later, part of that speech was also published on Khamenei’s X account.

Xay Khamenei’s post said, “If we are indifferent to the plight of Muslims in Myanmar, Gaza, India or anywhere else, then we cannot consider ourselves Muslims.”


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