Good things should be said first, sarcastic comments are being made on Facebook: Dr. Shafiqur Rahman

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Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Amir Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, “Last night, I gave a soft status on the social media Facebook regarding the current situation in the country. I was commented on sarcastically there. Later, many people said that the matter was okay, but it would have been better if someone else had said it. So why shouldn’t I say something good first? Everyone should say something good first.”

He made these remarks while speaking as the chief guest at a day-long friendly gathering organized by the former and current members of the Dhaka Metropolitan South Branch of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir on Friday (February 7).

Ameer Jamaat Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, showing instability in any situation does not bear the identity of faith. A deep conspiracy is being hatched against the country, everyone must be aware and move forward now. We do not want to give anyone the opportunity to push the country to one side.

He said, “There is no opportunity to say that all our achievements have been made after August 5. We must not forget that we may have to face one challenge after another. We must move forward with the countrymen to face all kinds of challenges.”

The special guest speakers at the friendly gathering, chaired by Dhaka Metropolitan South Branch President Helal Uddin Rubel and moderated by Secretary Hafez Delwar Hossain, were Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir Central President Zahidul Islam, Central Executive Council Member and Dhaka Metropolitan South Ameer Nurul Islam Bulbul, Jamaat-e-Islami Central Assistant Secretary General Maulana Abdul Halim, Dhaka Metropolitan South Secretary Dr. Shafiqul Islam Masud, former Central Literature Secretary of Islami Chhatra Shibir Shah Mahfuzul Haque, former Central Dawah Secretary Shahin Ahmed Khan, Central Finance Secretary of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir Touhidul Haque Misbah, Central Madrasa Activities Secretary Alauddin Abir and former presidents of Dhaka Metropolitan South.

Speaking as a special guest, Chhatra Shibir President Zahidul Islam said, “Our leaders have given their lives in this land during our long journey. We move forward by embracing the ideals they left behind. What Chhatra Shibir has achieved in this country through blood and sacrifice has exploded in 2024. Through that event, Allah Almighty has freed everyone from the grip of fascism that has oppressed our country.”

Special guest Maulana Abdul Halim said, “We find the word ‘former’ to be very dignified when viewed from the perspective of the Quran. There is no such thing as ‘former’ in the student camp, rather it is important to introduce ourselves as a more progressive camp. As progressive individuals, the responsibility of all camp members is much greater. You are in the position of being the one who will be at the forefront of all work.”

Special guest Nurul Islam Bulbul said, “What Chhatra Shibir has given to this nation, no other group in the country has been able to do. Honest, skilled, patriotic and moral leadership can be found only in Chhatra Shibir. We are passing the 54th year of the country’s independence. The students and the people of August 5th who want a Bangladesh free from discrimination have given the slogan, ‘We One Justice, we want justice, we want a Bangladesh of justice.’ That is why the program that Chhatra Shibir has is not available anywhere else. There is no alternative to Chhatra Shibir to build the Bangladesh of the future.”

Dr. Shafiqul Islam Masud said, there are many student organizations in the academic arena, but no one has been able to convey the ideals that Chhatra Shibir is calling for to the student community. Chhatra Shibir will continue to lead every good work in this country with its programs.

Source:Noya Digonto

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