Knowing that death is inevitable, people hope to live for a long time. What can be saved if there is hope? Because ‘birth must die’. However, the age of death varies from country to country. In some countries the average life expectancy of people is 46-55 and in some countries it is 82-85. The average Japanese life expectancy in 2024 is 85.15 years. That is, the Japanese live a long time without illness. Their controlled lifestyle and moderate eating habits are working behind the long life.
Find out which foods the Japanese eat regularly to live long and healthy:
What the Japanese include in their diet : The Japanese include seafood, soybeans, fermented foods, tea and fish in their diet. Their diet consists of red meat, sugar, potatoes, milk and dairy products and fruits. That’s why their diet is called the world’s best balanced diet. Japanese eat foods such as miso made from fermented seaweed or sea-weed, soy and other grains for beautiful skin, long life. Because sea-weed is rich in minerals, vitamins and omega three fatty acids. They eat red potatoes or sweet potatoes as carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates. That’s why it keeps the stomach full for a long time.
Soy-based foods : The Japanese rely on soy-based foods to stay healthy. With soy they make soy-milk, miso, tofu, natto (fermented soybeans). Soy contains excellent amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. The protein found in this food helps in strengthening and building muscles.
Eat slowly : Japanese people like to chew their food well. Also eat slowly. He also chats with family members while eating. This increases their family unity. Along with this, digestion is also better if you chew food well.

Eat in small quantities: People in our country gobble up whatever they get in front of them. But the Japanese are very aware of this. They do not eat filling food. Instead, he eats exactly the same amount of food. And that’s why they don’t accumulate extra calories in their body. Health is fine.
Matcha tea : While eating less of other foods, the Japanese drink a lot of tea. They drink their matcha tea with love. And this tea has many nutrients. This tea has antioxidants; Which is beneficial for the skin.
Don’t skip breakfast : Japanese believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In the morning they do not eat fast food, bread or such food. They start their morning with steamed rice, rice pardz or jauvat, fried or boiled fish. And stay healthy. Food like bread is not seen in the restaurants of that country. Because bread and other breads are made with refined flour; Which is not healthy. That’s why restaurants have steamed rice or rice items with every main dish.
Cooking method : Japanese do not eat too much fried food. They love to eat steamed, fermented, short-cooked foods. They eat food cooked in very little oil. Source: Times of India