Hezbollah counterattacks in Israel

The Iranian-backed Lebanese armed group Hezbollah launched a rocket attack on northern Israel. This information was…

Israel’s war on Gaza live: Hezbollah blames Israel for Lebanon pager blasts

Hezbollah said it holds Israel “fully responsible” for pager explosions across Lebanon, which killed at least nine people and…

Another 38 Palestinians were killed in Israeli attacks

The barbaric attacks of the Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip do not stop. Another 38…

UN says Israeli strike killed six of its Gaza staff, BBC

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees says six of its employees have been killed in an…

If Israel continues to attack, hostages will return to the ‘coffin’: Hamas

The armed wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas said hostages in Gaza will return to…

Israel has killed 40,602 Palestinians in Gaza

Struggle Online: On October 7, Palestinian independence organization Hamas launched a surprise attack by entering Israel’s border.…

Israel to cease fighting in Gaza for three days: UN

They agreed to pause the implementation of the vaccination program in the wake of a severe…

How Israel is occupying Palestinian land under the cover of war

One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites is Batir in Palestine. The village is known for…

Hezbollah’s terrible attack on Israel, fired more than 300 rockets

Lebanon’s powerful armed group Hezbollah has carried out major attacks in Israel. The pro-Iranian group carried…

48 more Palestinians killed in Gaza in 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, another 48 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in different areas…

Israel’s intensifying attacks on Gaza schools


As war looms over Lebanon, refugees wonder how they will survive

As war looms over Lebanon, refugees wonder how they will survive Syrians and Sudanese nationals are…

Another 32 Palestinians killed in Israeli attack on Gaza

32 people were killed in one day in the Palestinian Gaza Strip by the attack of…

EU bans 5 Israeli citizens, 3 organizations

The European Union (EU) has imposed sanctions on 5 Israeli citizens and 3 organizations for the…

11 Palestinians including 5 children were killed in the Israeli attack

The death toll from Israeli attacks in Gaza continues to rise. At least 11 Palestinians, including…

The Israeli army admitted its failure in the attack on Hamas

Israel’s military has admitted to a series of lapses in its response to the deadly Hamas…

Gaza war must stop: Biden

The war in the Gaza Strip must stop now – said US President Joe Biden. Biden…

স্নাইপার প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার। বিজয়ের পতাকা হাতের মুঠোয়

গাজা ইস্যুতে ‘ভণ্ডামি’ ছাড়ুন, ন্যাটো নেতাদের ধুয়ে দিলেন স্প্যানিশ প্রধানমন্ত্রী| NATO | Gaza

Brutal carnage, Israeli attack on refugee camp kills 29

srael attacked a refugee camp near Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, killing 29 people. Besides, many…

নেতানিয়াহু ও মাহমুদ আব্বাসকে প্রথম ফোনকলে যা বললেন ব্রিটেনের প্রধানমন্ত্রী স্টারমার |

‘Actual’ casualties in Gaza war 186,000: The Lancet

British-based magazine Lancet reported that more than 186,000 people have lost their lives so far in…

শিশুদের স্কুলে ইসরাইলি বাহিনীর ভয়াবহ হামলা |

বিশ্বের সব সমালোচনা পিঠে নিয়ে ইসরায়েলকে কেন কোলে রাখে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র?

হা-মা-স-হে’জবুল্লাহ নতুন বৈঠক থেকে যা জানা গেল |

Israeli attack on UN school in Gaza kills 16

16 people were killed in an Israeli attack on a UN-run school in Gaza, Palestine. The…

Hamas will launch a major attack! Israel is afraid

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas could launch a major attack on Israeli forces in Gaza or…

পুরো বিশ্বকে বুড়ো আঙুল দেখিয়ে ইসরায়েলের নতুন নীল নকশা!

27 killed including journalists in Israeli attack in Gaza

Another 27 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes in the besieged Gaza Strip in the past…

Irish actress donates $2 million to Gaza children

The barbaric attacks of the Israeli forces are going on in the besieged Gaza territory of…

10 Israeli soldiers killed in Hamas attack

10 Israeli soldiers were killed in an attack by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas. The Qassam…

সন্তানদের চোখের সামনে বৃদ্ধ মায়ের ওপর ট্যাংক তুলে দিল ইসরায়েলি বাহিনী |

Gaza an ‘open prison’: China to UN

China says the Gaza Strip is an ‘open prison’ and is no alternative to the US…

Israel is attacking Khan Yunis

The Israeli military has launched an attack on the southern residential area of ​​Khan Yunis in…

Indiscriminate attack by Israeli forces in Rafah, 6 killed

Israeli forces have launched an indiscriminate attack on the southern city of Rafah in Gaza. At…

40 more Palestinians killed in Israeli attack on Gaza

Another 40 people were killed in the barbaric Israeli attack in Gaza, Palestine. The death toll…

Gazans living in ‘intolerable’ conditions: UN

A UN spokesman on Friday condemned the ‘intolerable’ situation in besieged Gaza. He said residents of…

Hezbollah-Israel tensions, what the US wants

Tensions are high between the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah and Israel. Fears of a larger war…

মার্কিন মুলুকে ফিলিস্তিনিদের ওপর হামলা, নীরব কেনো বাইডেন? | Biden | Gaza

ঘুমন্ত বৃদ্ধ নারীর ওপর হিংস্র কুকুর লেলিয়ে দিল ইসরায়েল! | Israel | Palestine | Dog

মুসলিম ইতিহাসবিদ দ্বারা জায়~নিষ্টদের ঘৃণ্য ষড়যন্ত্র উন্মোচিত!

India is secretly giving weapons to Israel

Israel is carrying out indiscriminate killings in the besieged Gaza. Gaza has been completely devastated by…

Ismail Haniya’s sister was killed in an Israeli airstrike

A sister of Hamas leader Ismail Haniya was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Shati camp…

أنشودة لبيك إسلام البطولة كلنا نفدي الحما إنشاد هاجر عمر

دبكة أنا دمي فلسطيني لمدرسة في فلسطين رائعة جدا Filistin’in Folklor Oyunu Dabka

ماريا قحطان _ على عهدي على ديني

ই/য়া/হিয়া সি/ন/ওয়ারকে কেন ভ/য় পায় ইস/রায়ে/ল? |

Joint operation in Israel’s Haifa port

Yemen’s Houthis say they have launched a joint military operation targeting four ships in Israel’s northern…

একনজরে বিশ্বের আলোচিত সব খবর | Jamuna I-Desk | 23 June 2024

ফিলিস্তিনি যুবকের সাথে নৃশংসতার চূড়ান্ত করলো ইসরায়েল! | Israel | Gaza |

Hundreds of Palestinians were killed in the Israeli attack on Gaza

Hundreds more Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks in the besieged Gaza Strip. With this,…

Joint operation in Israel’s Haifa port

Yemen’s Houthis say they have launched a joint military operation targeting four ships in Israel’s northern…

Israel has world’s most barbaric army: UN commission of inquiry

Israeli barbarians continue to live in Palestine. It is led by the Israeli army. From women,…

ইসরায়েলে বসবাস করা আরব মুসলিম কারা? | Israel | Arab Muslim |

ফিলিস্তিন কেন স্বাধীন দেশ হিসেবে স্বীকৃতি পায় না? Is Palestine an independent state?

How colonial Israel is pushing Gaza into dire famine

Israel has dropped approximately 70,000 tons of bombs on civilians in Gaza since October last year.…

Lebanon fighters video exposes Israel’s secret facilities

Israel has always spied on other countries, but this time it has fallen into the trap…

Now another country is in court against Israel

Israel is carrying out genocide in the name of Palestinian operation in Gaza. Cuba has announced…

33 Palestinians released from Israeli prisons in Gaza

The Israeli army released 33 Palestinian prisoners from the Gaza Strip on Thursday. Turkey-based media Anadolu…

Lebanon fighters video exposes Israel’s secret facilities

Israel has always spied on other countries, but this time it has fallen into the trap…