BNP will take to the streets in issue-based programs

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BNP will hold a program on various issues including the release of party chairperson Khaleda Zia, corruption at various levels of the government and protest against unequal agreements with India. The party plans to transform these programs into a one-phase movement in the beginning with public involvement and later as time permits. The high command of the party is holding a series of meetings with the leaders of different levels of the party regarding the nature of the movement. At the same time, opinions are being taken in meetings with like-minded parties and alliances. The National Standing Committee, the highest policy-making forum of BNP, will determine the new program based on everyone’s opinion. The committee is scheduled to meet today on Monday. 

Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, a member of the National Standing Committee of BNP, told Samakal that the program for the coming days is being discussed. They are discussing to speed up the movement that started to remove this illegal government and bring it to a successful conclusion. The program will be decided later. 

Some leaders present in various meetings said that Khaleda Zia’s demand for release is being given utmost importance. At the same time, a series of programs will be announced to protest against the restoration of democracy and voting rights, anti-national agreements, unlimited corruption and rising commodity prices. In the meeting with the BNP central and like-minded allied parties, everyone presented their own views to determine the program. New programs will be announced very soon. There have been proposals from various quarters to be vocal about the Bangladesh Corridor given to India in particular. In this program, the program will be strengthened in the districts over which the rail corridor is supposed to pass. People will be called to be aware to protect the independence and sovereignty of the country. At the same time, leaflet distribution along with padayatra will be undertaken to strengthen the program.

It is known that BNP is thinking of holding a rally in Dhaka next Friday or Saturday. For this reason, the organizational leaders have held a preparatory meeting with the top leaders of the neighboring districts of Dhaka for the last two days. They are saying that a bunch of programs will be announced from this rally. In the meantime, the officials have started discussions with the top level leaders of the district, metropolis and department to implement the program.  
According to sources, in the meeting, some suggested to fix the action plan with a program of one month. There, some suggested to take the right and left Islamic parties, especially Jamaat-e-Islami, into the movement simultaneously to make the movement more dynamic. Most leaders suggest a 3-month program roadmap. However, the duration of the program has not yet been decided. Among their proposed programs, some have proposed gatherings and national dialogues in 10 organizational divisions. They also proposed to organize protest marches and display of black flags in the areas through which the rail corridor will run on an experimental basis as per the MoU with India. Besides, it is asked to take up the program at the district and upazila levels as well. Among the issues discussed in the meeting with like-minded people, it is proposed to take the field with a bunch of programs including leaflet distribution, mass communication, padayatra, long march, road march.

Shahadat Hossain Salim, secretary general of BLDP, a partner of the 12-party alliance, told Samakal that it has been suggested to take some other political parties against the government, including the Islamic party, to speed up the movement. Apart from this, the program of the next day was also discussed in the meeting. However, the program is not finalized yet. 
The BNP leaders said that BNP Acting Chairman Tariq Rahman held two rounds of meetings with senior leaders of the party, joint secretary general, organizational secretary and top leaders of affiliated organizations on Saturday. There, the leaders proposed programs like rallies, protests, marches, mass marches and leaflet distribution. 

According to sources, opinions are also being sought from like-minded parties and allies. BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Standing Committee Member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy and Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury were present virtually in addition to the party’s joint secretary general, organizational secretary and top leaders of the organization. These proposals will be raised and the program will be finalized in the standing committee meeting held today Monday night. Among these programs, several programs can come simultaneously.

Advocate Abdus Salam Azad, joint secretary general of the party, said that people are vocal in demanding the release of Khaleda Zia. The people of the country are protesting against the unlimited corruption of this government and unequal agreement with India. Corridor agreement for Indian trains will bring ill luck to the nation. It is a threat to the security of the country. BNP will give programs in the interest of the country. New program coming soon. 


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