Classes have not started in the universities despite opening the campus

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All educational institutions including government, semi-government, autonomous, semi-autonomous, private institutions, factories, schools, colleges, madrasas, universities have been opened on Tuesday.

This information was informed in a circular sent by the Inter-Services Public Relations Department (ISPR) on Monday night. It has been said that the curfew in Bangladesh for the last 17 days, sometimes relaxed, sometimes strict, ended at 6 am today.

In this situation, it can be seen in the universities that even after opening the campus, the classes are not starting immediately or no guidance has been given yet regarding when the classes will start.

Afsar Munna, a student of Dhaka University’s Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, told BBC on Tuesday morning, ‘The authorities have opened the halls since yesterday. But no academic activities are going on. No one respects the VC-Proctor. Ultimately there is no authority now.’

However, Dhaka University representative Russell Sarkar of an online portal said that there is a meeting of the university syndicate at 11 am today. All decisions will be made there.

University VC Professor ASM Maqsood Kamal was called several times to inquire about this but his phone was switched off.

Apart from this, BBC Bangla has tried to know the situation of Jagannath University, Jahangirnagar University and Rajshahi University.

Jahangirnagar University student Tanveer Haseeb told BBC Bangla, “The halls will be opened today. But the class will ‘probably’ be late. Because many students have gone home. They have to come back. Teachers also need to be prepared to take classes.”

He added that except for the educational program, everything is now open in the office-hall of the university.

Anupam Mallick Aditya of Jagannath University also said that the campus has opened, but the classes have not started.

Rajshahi University is one of those public universities that had a heated situation around the quota reform movement.

Rajshahi University student Mir Qadir told BBC Bangla that the hall has not yet been opened there.

‘Since the hall is off, the class will be late. But since there is no administrative structure now, I heard that today the students themselves will open the hall and enter.’

He also informed that there is a meeting of ‘University Teachers Network’ today at 11 am.

Source : dailynayadiganta

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