They are not even ashamed to call themselves Razakars – Prime Minister

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Who are you? who am i Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina termed the slogan ‘Rajakar, Razakar’ as very sad. He said, ‘They don’t even feel ashamed to call themselves Razakars.’ The Prime Minister said this while addressing the chief guest at the ‘Annual Performance Agreement (APA) signing’ and ‘Annual Performance Agreement’ and ‘Practice Award’ ceremony organized by the ministries and departments at his office yesterday.

Demanding quota reform, the agitators took out processions on Sunday night in various educational institutions including Dhaka University, Jahangirnagar University, Rajshahi University, Chittagong University. At this time, their ‘quota not merit, merit merit’; ‘I wanted rights, I became a king’; ‘Who are you, who am I? Razakar, Razakar’ etc. slogans are seen.  

In response to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her speech, she said, ‘They do not know how the Pakistani invasion forces and Razaka forces have carried out atrocities in the country. They have not seen these tortures, dead bodies lying on the streets. So they did not feel ashamed to call themselves Razakars.

Sheikh Hasina said that the spirit of liberation war is the only goal of her government and said, ‘Millions of martyrs have shed their blood, millions of mothers and sisters are victims, their contribution should not be forgotten. It should be remembered. The way Pakistani invaders and Razakar forces have tortured this country, I feel very sad when I hear the students of Rokeya Hall also say that they are Razakar. Do they know what happened there on March 25, 1971? 300 girls were killed there by the Pakistani invasion forces and their A-country allies. 40 girls were captured and held in a Pakistani camp and raped in turn. What condition were they there? Many girls hanged themselves with sarees or veils. They were not allowed to wear clothes. A petticoat was worn and kept sitting. They were brutally tortured day after day. When they were rescued, an Indian Sikh soldier of the Allies took off his turban and put it on a girl to rescue her. This is just one incident, there are many such incidents.’

Highlighting the contribution of women in the liberation war, the head of government said, ‘Our girls did not sit. But they also worked. In Pirojpur, a girl used to work as a cook for the invading Pakistani forces and used to swim across the river at night to Chitalmari and convey the news of the invaders to the camp of the freedom fighters. After being caught, his legs were tied to two cars and dragged and dismembered. They have not seen these tortures, bodies lying on the streets. So they are not ashamed to call themselves Razakars. 

Sheikh Hasina said, ‘Yes, we have had a guerilla war. Here someone was on the Peace Committee, but did not harm people. But the forces they (Pakistani invaders) created, armed and used to harm people, torture, loot and massacre. We have taken action against them, tried them and hanged many of them. Through this, those who were oppressed by them, got justice.’

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, ‘The liberation war is our pride, the people of this country left their homes, families and went to the battlefield at the call of the father of the nation, gave up the illusion of life and fought and brought victory. And those who were in that army (Razakar, Albadar, Alshams) tortured the people of this country. That should not be forgotten. We have to move forward with that education, with the spirit of the liberation war. Only then will this country move forward.’

In the ceremony, the senior secretaries and secretaries of various ministries handed over the APA to the Prime Minister one by one. The Prime Minister awarded 10 Ministries and Departments in the ceremony in recognition of their success in the implementation of APA in the financial year 2022-23. In the overall evaluation, the power sector got the top position. Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Employment received the Purity Award 2023-24 introduced at the individual level for the government officials to encourage the practice of purity of government officials and employees. Mahbub Hossain. 

A documentary on government performance management was screened on the occasion. Public Administration Minister Farhad Hossain presided over the event. Cabinet Secretary. Mahbub Hossain gave a welcome speech. 

The prime minister once again issued a stern warning against corruption and said, ‘We want you to take appropriate action against any irregularity. We have declared a “Zero Tolerance” policy against corruption. And to catch this corruption, the responsibility is imposed on our government. I don’t believe it. Corruption is done by very few people, but its bad name is very much.’

Source:Bonik Barta

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