You are living in a fool’s paradise if you think that you can suppress the movement with batons

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Politicians and dignitaries strongly condemned the Chhatra League and police attack on the ongoing anti-quota protestors. Yesterday they announced this condemnation through a speech statement. They said, if you can suppress this movement by torturing the students, taking them out of the hall, then you are living in a fool’s paradise. 

Manna: Expressing solidarity with the ongoing students’ quota movement, the president of Nagrik Oikya Mahmudur Rahman Manna said, I am in solidarity with these students. He said, if you think you can suppress this movement by torturing, suing, caning, torturing them, taking them out of the hall, then you are living in a fool’s paradise. 

Mahmudur Rahman Manna said, the students’ demands were very normal, no one disrespected the freedom fighters. There is no question of disrespecting the liberation war. Because Bangladesh was born after the liberation war. Therefore, none of us should have any objection to honoring the liberation war and honoring the freedom fighters. And if there is that objection, no one will accept it. But after 54 years special provision will be kept not only for the children of those who fought, but also for their grandchildren and that too 56 percent in government jobs, this cannot continue. This was the demand of the students. Until today, those students did not talk about any politics, did not talk about any party. Criticizing the government or demanding the resignation of the government or any special punishment of the government.

Regarding the movement, the former VP of Daksu said that it is not the work of the court. Before the court says anything, it should be noted that it is clear in the constitution that there will be quota for the backward sections. The quota for the rest is not mentioned. In this context, the students are saying, keep as much as possible for them and give the rest on the basis of merit. We would like to say, we fully support this claim. I only support the students’ movement. I especially thank them, despite so much provocation, they are trying to fight peacefully in a harmless democratic way.


Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal-JSD president and former VP of Daksu ASM Abdur Rob demanded the closure of the government’s dirty attack on the new generation of struggling student-society as ‘Rajakar’ and the attack on the agitators. In a statement sent to the media, Rob said, the bold, ineffective and provocative statement of the government calling the new generation of students protesting on the streets ‘Rajakar’ with the aim of building an enlightened state for the realization of equitable rights has made the situation fiery. He said that it is a ‘state crime’ of the government to identify those who have participated in the movement and struggle as the voice of conscience for the right to vote, the right to safe roads, the right to employment, and above all the right to freedom and equality, and the freedom of the citizens of the republic.

Rob mentioned that the main goal of the new generation of thought is to build a state without discrimination and based on the spirit of the liberation war. He said that while the momentum of their ideological movement is getting faster and faster, the government is playing a suicidal game of dividing the nation in ‘ideological stupidity’. 

Dr. Asif Nazrul 

Dhaka University teacher Professor Dr. Asif Nazrul said, “Who am I, Razakar – no one should like to hear or give this slogan.” As far as I understand, the students of Dhaka University involved in the quota reform movement did not raise this slogan as an identification. They said this after being angry and disappointed by the Prime Minister’s speech yesterday. Yet the question may arise as to whether their response is appropriate. But it has to come by considering the context of the Prime Minister’s speech. 

Our Prime Minister is an experienced person, the age of the great-grandmothers of the agitators. He holds the highest office in the country. Was his speech appropriate to his position, age and experience? Without the courage to ask these questions and without considering the root causes of student anger, it is wrong to blame students unilaterally.  

Government ministers are now giving public orders to deal with the agitators. After that, incidents of indiscriminate attacks on them happened in various places including Dhaka University. I think the vile slander that the agitators call themselves Razakars was created to create context for this attack. It must be remembered that every attack on them is a criminal offence, and the responsibility of the leaders of the agitators is also there. 

Students of Dhaka University and other educational institutions are children of common people of this country. In 1971, 95 percent of these people participated or helped in various ways in the liberation war. I appeal to the government, don’t let the armed forces of BCL attack the children of these freedom fighters of the 1971 people’s war. Take no more curses of men.

Islamic movement Bangladesh 

Islami Andolan Bangladesh Secretary General Principal Hafez Maulana Yunus Ahmad and Joint Secretary General Maulana Gazi Ataur Rahman strongly condemned the terrorist attack by BCL on the peaceful movement of students across the country including Dhaka University. The attack, beating and clash of the BCL on the protestors is highly condemnable. Chhatra League has created a very ugly history by spilling the blood of hundreds of students. I am at a loss for words to condemn this demonic attack.

In a statement, the leaders said that the government is wasting time for the sake of the court. Demanded the government to accept the demand for quota reform without wasting time. He demanded to shun attacks, lawsuits and repression. The government is bringing its own downfall by making the quota agitators antagonistic. The students are agitating for a one-point demand of reforming the quota system by canceling unreasonable and discriminatory quotas in all grades. All over the country, the quota agitating innocent students became intoxicated by the barbaric attacks of the Chhatra League.

 Labor Party  

Bangladesh Labor Party Chairman Dr. Mostafizur Rahman Iran and General Secretary Khandaker Mirazul Islam said that the division between the new generation in the name of opposition to the liberation war is an ominous sign. Basically, government MPs are trying to create issues to hide the corruption of bureaucrats, party leaders and workers. He has undermined the country’s independence and sovereignty with the corridor in the name of transit. There is a conspiracy to suppress issue by issue so that the people cannot strengthen the resistance struggle against the Indian hegemonic aggression. Bangladesh Labor Party Publicity Secretary Md. Monir Hossain Khan said this in a signed press release.

Khilafat Majlis  

The Khilafat Majlis strongly protested against the terrorist attacks of Chhatra League on ordinary students in some campuses of Dhaka University, Chittagong University. 

In the statement given, Amir Maulana Abdul Bashit Azad of Khilafat Majlis and Secretary General Dr. Ahmad Abdul Quader said that the peaceful movement of students demanding quota reforms in government jobs since July 1 is justified. But ignoring this fair demand of the students, the Prime Minister’s speech yesterday made the students more angry. Besides, the government party student organization Chhatra League attacked the students who were protesting throughout the day today. Hundreds of students were injured and are undergoing treatment in hospital. Some are in critical condition. We strongly condemn this terrorist attack by Chhatra League. The attackers should be arrested immediately. The fair demand of the students is to reform the quota and make arrangements for recruitment to government jobs on the basis of merit

Source: Daily Songram

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