BNP is going to a big program simultaneously this month

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BNP wants to go to big programs simultaneously this month. The party wants to hold this program on public issues including the release of chairperson Khaleda Zia, anti-corruption campaign, protest against price hike of daily necessities, agreement and compromise issues with India, border killings, protest against increase in gas and water prices. BNP is meeting with parties and alliances in simultaneous movement to fix the program. After this meeting, it is said that the program will be finalized in the meeting of the standing committee of the party.

These issues were discussed in a meeting with the joint general secretary, organizational secretary and central president and general secretaries of the organization at the party’s central office in Nayapaltan in the capital on Saturday. The first phase of the meeting was held from 5 pm to 7 pm. Acting Chairman of BNP Tariq Rahman participated virtually from London. Apart from this, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir also participated virtually. Apart from this, standing committee member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy and Ameer Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury were present in the meeting. After the meeting, in the second phase, the joint general secretary, organizational secretary and the central president and general secretaries of the organization of the party discussed the possible program. 

Meanwhile, the Liaison Committee of BNP has started meeting with like-minded parties and alliances to determine the program of the simultaneous movement. A meeting was held with the People’s Rights Council (Nur) on Saturday afternoon. BNP Standing Committee member Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, Vice Chairman Barkat Ullah Bulu were present in this meeting. Earlier, BNP leaders held separate meetings with Gano Forum and People’s Party, Democratic Left Unity, NDM on July 11 and LDP, Jatiyatabadi Sammana Jot and Bangladesh Labor Party on July 12. A meeting with the 12-party alliance is scheduled to continue this Sunday at 5 pm.


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