There is no alternative to establishing the rule of Quran to restore people’s rights: Mojibur Rahman

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Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Naib Emir and former member of Parliament Prof. Mojibur Rahman said that there is no alternative to establishing the rule of Quran to restore people’s rights.

He said, “If Allah’s law is to be implemented in all cases, the invitation of the Qur’an must reach every sector. Islam is a complete way of life. It should be spread everywhere. For Deen Qayyam, first of all, you have to sacrifice goods. The ideals of the Prophet (PBUH) should be adopted. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had to endure unspeakable persecution for the establishment of religion. We also have to present sacrifices. It should be believed that the more oppression and persecution, the more sins will be forgiven.

Prof. Mujibur Rahman said these things in the speech of the chief guest at the separate Rukon (member) education camp organized by Comilla metropolis and Comilla South District Jamaat on Friday (July 12).

Professor Mojibur Rahman said that the current tyrannical government has exceeded the level of oppression and torture. The people of the country want freedom from this tyranny of the government. The people of the country today want to get back their right to rice, right to medical treatment and their freedom of speech. There is no alternative to establishing the rule of the Qur’an to restore human rights.

Amir of Comilla Metropolitan Jamaat and Central Working Council member Kazi Deen Mohammad chaired the training camp as special guests of Central Executive Council member Mubarak Hossain and Comilla region team member Muhammad Liaqat Ali Bhuiyan.

Chief guest Professor Mujibur Rahman also said, ‘The current government is not the people’s government. They call themselves the government of the people but the people do not think so. They have seized power by taking away the voting rights of the people. They have established a dictatorship by taking away people’s freedom of speech, killing democracy. Today there is no such thing as fundamental rights of the people of the country. Today many people are living inhuman life without getting basic rights. Currently, the government has started an extreme mismanagement of the education system. They have introduced an immoral and atheistic education system in textbooks by distorting the long-standing Islamic history-tradition of Bangladesh. Leaders and workers of Comilla Metropolitan Jamaat must play a leading role in all movements and struggles against the current fascist government.

Special guest Mubarak Hossain said, ‘Jamaat members should maintain moral standards. Quran-Hadith must be studied with meaning. In order to gain closeness to Allah, one should worship more and more Nafal besides the obligatory. Words and deeds should be consistent. The mentality of accepting the organization’s decision even if it is against itself should be nurtured. The discipline of the organization must be maintained. Profanity should be avoided. Ridicule and backbiting should be avoided. Must be a good dai ilallah. Deen should be propagated by understanding the place, time and place. Above all, one should increase the relationship with Allah and follow the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions.’

Comilla Mahanagari Jamaat Secretary Professor AKM Emdadul Haque Mamun spoke at the training camp under the direction of Comilla Metropolitan Jamaat Naib Amir Mohammad Moshaleh Uddin. Assistant Secretary of Metropolitan Jamaat, Councilor Mosharraf Hossain, Nashir Ahmed Molla, Kazi Nazir Ahmed, Mohammad Hossain, Amir Hossain Faraizi and others were present at this time.

Meanwhile, a day-long training camp was held with members of Nangalkot Upazila Jamaat (RUCON) organized by Comilla South District Jamaat-e-Islami. District Amir Mohammad Shahjahan advocate presided over. Rukon Shikshashibar was held under the direction of Syed Sarwar Uddin Siddiqui. Central Naib Amir and former Member of Parliament Professor Mujibur Rahman spoke as the chief guests. Central Executive Council Member Mubarak Hossain and Regional Team Member Liaquat Ali Bhuiyan spoke as special guests.

Source:Noya Digonto

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