Honest people are most needed in the country today -Dr. Shafiqul Islam Masood

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Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami central working council member and secretary of Dhaka Metropolitan South, former central president of Islami Chhatrashibir. Shafiqul Islam Masood said while welcoming the meritorious students who obtained GPA-5 in SSC and Dakhil examinations in the capital, the biggest deficiency in education at this time is that the conspirators will promote the teaching of Quran-Hadith and Sunnah as they do but will not let any student understand it. This is what the Quran says. It will show success everywhere it speaks for itself. As a Muslim student, one must be very aware of the teachings given by Almighty Allah and gain knowledge. Achieving any worldly result should not be my only goal. May all my efforts continue for the next liberation.

He said these things while addressing the chief guest at the reception of meritorious students who obtained GPA-5 in SSC/Dakhil and equivalent examination organized by Dhaka Metropolitan East Branch of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir in an auditorium in the capital. Under the chairmanship of Zafar Sadiq, the President of the Dhaka Metropolis East Branch of Chhatra Shibir and moderated by Mujahid Abdullah, the Branch Secretary, various central leaders of Islami Chhatra Shibir were present as special guests. Leaders and activists of different levels of Dhaka Metropolitan East Branch of Islami Chhatra Shibir were also present.

In the speech of the chief guest. Shafiqul Islam Masood said, we are ashamed as a Muslim country because even though we claim to be Muslims, there is no member present in the National Parliament to praise Almighty Allah for even a minute. But precious time is being wasted minute after minute in that Parliament by praising some person of this world. All 300 people in that parliament are absent as worthy of thanking God. Due to our failure to show gratitude to Allah Ta’ala, great suffering occurs in the society and the state. Allah Almighty is the only one who deserves the first gratitude for any achievement we have as human beings. Honest people are most needed today. After the establishment of Dhaka University, 350 talented students were killed. Rape centenary celebrated at Jahangirnagar University. Those who did these are their classmates and other students. Wonder what we got after reading so much. Terrorists, murderers, Mastan GPA-5 students are bringing welfare for this country, for this nation. At the same time, it is a fact of society in this country that even after 124 years, in many madrasas, no classmate gave even a small flower to his friend. This is possible because the Holy Qur’an and Hadith are practiced there. This is the difference between Islam and the so-called modern education system. Boasting was also shown by building huge ships like the Titanic. In moments, the scene turned dire as the little ice floes collided. Glory for no earthly achievement is permanent. Thanking God Almighty should be the first thing in our success.

He said that the biggest crisis in our country today is good people with morals. It is not possible to create a good person even using the highest technology in this world. But that challenging work is being done by Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and Islami Chhatrashibir. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) created a golden state by enriching his companions with high morality through the ideals. We have also continued to try to build a group of people as golden people in this country by holding that ideal.

He also said that talented students should play their role as true patriotic citizens to bring this society back to the path of light. We should develop ourselves as honest, competent and efficient citizens. We must strive to ensure that no corruption, irregularity, injustice, mismanagement and obscenity tarnish our talent and merit. Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir has been working to create honest, talented and competent citizens in the country since its inception. Those who will play an effective role in establishing the rights of the people of this country and building a prosperous Bangladesh. Will try to solve all the problems of the people by providing competent leadership. He urged the meritorious students to gather under the flag of the student camp and build themselves as honest and worthy citizens. 

Source:Daily Songram

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