Bangladesh’s 10 Compromise Agreement with India: Jamaat’s Reaction

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Instead of giving a fair share to Bangladesh, they are unilaterally withdrawing water by damming the upstream of those rivers and killing Bangladesh dry in winter and summer season and drowning it in monsoon season. Currently, there is a severe flood situation in Greater Sylhet and Rangpur region. Various crops including paddy and jute have been submerged in the flood. In this way, thousands of crores of rupees of crops are being lost every year. As a result, Bangladesh is becoming economically independent every year due to India’s water encroachment. To deal with this water invasion of India, we call on the government to take up large mega projects to build dams and dredging the flooded rivers on all the same rivers including Ganges, Teesta, Brahmaputra, Meghna, Surma and Kushiara downstream in India and upstream in Bangladesh.

This former MP said, you know that during his visit to India, the Prime Minister signed a memorandum of understanding to extend rail connectivity to Rajshahi via Bangladesh. Prime Minister considers himself blessed with transit and corridor to India through Bangladesh. Not only that, agreements have been signed for construction of Mongla Sea Port, Chittagong Sea Port and EPZ at Mirsrai in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The people of the country feel that as a result of these actions of the Prime Minister, the independence and sovereignty of the country is under threat today. The government says that an experimental contract has been entered into to run railways up to Rajshahi. We would like to recall that in 1975, the then Prime Minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi took permission to open the Farakka Dam on an experimental basis for only 45 days. But India’s 45-day period has not ended even today. Therefore, the people of the country think that the talk of experimentally running the railway up to Rajshahi is nothing but a hoax. Perhaps their experimental rail link will never expire. Therefore, the patriotic people of Bangladesh are not willing to accept the memorandum of understanding of the government.

He said that it was not clearly stated what things will be carried on the railway that will run over Bangladesh. It was not mentioned whether it was a passenger train or a freight train. It is also not clear whether the train will carry Indian army and military equipment. If the Indian military with military equipment over Bangladesh carries out a military operation in the 7 states of India located on the north-eastern border of Bangladesh to destroy the people, to carry out genocide, it will be very dangerous for the security of Bangladesh. There is a danger that people of 7 states of India will be attacked by Indian trains and Bangladesh will become a battlefield. So we appeal to the government to refrain from taking such dangerous steps.

Professor Mia Golam Parwar said, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina asked in the press conference, what is the harm in giving transit and corridor to India? We would like to ask him a counter question that what is the benefit of Bangladesh if India is given transit and corridor? He cannot prove any benefit of Bangladesh.

He said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her speech mentioned the transit and corridor between different European countries. The example of various neighboring countries of Europe is not applicable at all in relation to the relationship between Bangladesh and India. Because there are no rivers in Europe like 54 identical rivers flowing over India and Bangladesh. The 27 countries of the European Union have the same currency, the same religion, the same language, education, culture and free market economy. Economically, all European countries are similar. Those countries have advanced multi-party democratic systems and human rights. Residents of those countries are not killed by people like the border guards of other countries. No country has a barbed wire fence on its border. While Bangladesh and India have different currencies, people of both countries have different religion, culture and language. There is a huge gap in currency values. There is a barbed wire fence between the two countries. Indian BSF is killing Bangladeshi people like birds. Bangladesh government is not protesting and redressing it. BGB of Bangladesh never kills Indians. Bangladesh is now under one-party authoritarian rule. Narendra Modi’s extreme Hindutva Islamophobic regime is also going on in India. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina compared India with the European Union by providing transit and corridors, basically trying to show Bengal as the High Court.

He also said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her cabinet members argued in favor of giving corridor and transit to India and said that if India is allowed to use Chittagong and Mongla ports through transit and corridor, Bangladesh will become a developed country like Singapore and Thailand. But the people of the country are noticing with indignation that Bangladesh has not improved at all by allowing India to use the transit and corridor, instead it is turning into a bankrupt state like Sri Lanka.

This leader of Jamaat said that the government is running the country with debt. There is no sound all around. Till date, the government has not revealed to the nation how much money Bangladesh is collecting or earning from India every year by allowing India to use the transit and corridor. Bangladesh has not benefited from the transit and corridor but has suffered.

The former MP said, we all know that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has signed an agreement for Bangladesh military and police to receive high-quality military training from India. We all know that Bangladesh is surrounded by Indian territory on three sides. India has various problems with Bangladesh. So if there is an attack on Bangladesh from any country, then there is a danger that it will come from India. The people of Bangladesh must think deeply about whether the training of Bangladesh’s military and police forces from that India is against the independence and sovereignty of Bangladesh. Since Bangladesh’s independence, the Bangladeshi military has been receiving advanced military training from Great Britain, Australia, America and various European countries. But the countrymen feel that there is a conspiracy to turn the Bangladesh army and police force into a front and loyal force of India by suddenly entrusting the responsibility of training the Bangladesh military and police forces to the Indians. In the name of Indian training, there is a deep conspiracy going on to brainwash the Bangladeshi military and police forces and turn them into servants of India. It is basically a serious blow to the independence-sovereignty of Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also talked about purchasing arms from India and Russia. The people of Bangladesh are alarmed and worried about such mysterious activities of the government.

He said, Bangladesh is owned by the people of Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh have the right to govern the country whom they will vote for. The current government is not elected by the people. This government has no right to conclude any agreement by selling the interests of the people and the country. The people of Bangladesh are rejecting all MoUs, Declarations and Agreements against national interest by this unelected government. We are calling on the people of the country to raise their voice against these illegal, undemocratic and anti-interest activities of the current illegal government.

Source:Daily Songram

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