Bangladesh is facing the challenge of climate change

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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of the present time. It is not only affecting the environment, but also affecting people’s lifestyle, economy and society. Bangladesh, as a lowland country, is suffering the most in the face of climate change impacts.

The impact of climate change in Bangladesh is increasing day by day. The challenges that Bangladesh is facing include,

Natural Disasters: The number and severity of natural disasters such as cyclones, floods, tidal waves and droughts have increased. As a result, people’s lives and property are being severely damaged. Upstream of the country, including Sylhet, is suffering heavy losses due to floods.

Sea Level Rise: Sea level rise is increasing salinity in coastal areas, damaging agricultural land and fresh water sources.

Food Security: Agricultural production is declining due to climate change. Production of rice and wheat in particular is declining, posing a threat to food security.

Health Risks: Prevalence of various diseases is increasing due to heat waves, heavy rains and other climatic changes.

Displaced People: Many people are losing their homes due to climate change. Especially the people of the coastal areas have to be shifted to other places.

Bangladesh government has taken various steps to deal with this damage of climate change. Bangladesh Climate Change Trust has been established and is conducting various activities. However, this problem cannot be solved without global cooperation. Developed countries should reduce their carbon emissions and help developing countries.

We all need to work together to face this challenge of climate change. Raising awareness, using renewable energy and developing eco-friendly technologies can be the way to protect our future.

Source:Daily Songram

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