At the closing ceremony of the Padma bridge project. Severe criticism of Yunus

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Struggle Online: Dr. Sudhi organized on the occasion of the completion of the Padma bridge project. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina strongly criticized Yunus.

Peace Nobel laureate Dr. Criticizing Yunus, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that Nobel laureate economist Dr. Muhammad Yunus had an introduction. Why did a Nobel laureate for a little MD post? What honey is in this verse?

He said this while speaking as the chief guest at the Sudhi rally organized on the occasion of the completion of the Padma Bridge project at Mawa end of Munshiganj on Friday (July 5) afternoon.

Referring to Yunus being the MD of Grameen Bank, the Prime Minister said, a post. That is the post of MD of a bank. As many complications, as many problems with this position. Now if there is law in the bank, one can stay for 20 years. He is already 70 years old. You left from extra time. How is he still there? Why is a famous Nobel laureate coveted for a little MD position? I never got an answer to this question.

The Prime Minister said, for this post, ambassadors of big countries come to my office and speak loudly to my officers. They say that if there is no post of MD, foreign funding will stop. Hillary Clinton, Sherry Blair called me for the post of MD. Apart from this, representatives of different countries came. I just told them – what honey is in this MD position?

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He said, Hussain Muhammad Ershad banked. He brought a professor from Chittagong University and appointed him as MD. That professor does not want to leave that chair. Our Finance Minister Muhit Sahib and Foreign Affairs Adviser Gowhar Rizvi Sahib went to him and said, why are you still MD, you should rather stay here as an adviser. He doesn’t agree with that either. He filed a case against the government. Two cases. Everyone was shocked. I told the Attorney General, it is nothing like that. Just present the law. If the court can, extend the age of someone. Later he lost the case and became even more angry.

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Pointing out that the Padma Bridge had to be built through many storms, Sheikh Hasina said that usually when a project is completed, there is no completion ceremony. Never done, finished. However, the Padma Bridge has to be built through many storms and obstacles. Padma bridge has been built with the money of the people of the country. I have organized this program to thank those who are involved with Padma Setu, who have given land. It is a ceremony of gratitude and thanksgiving to all.

Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader presided over the event. Former cabinet secretary Khandkar Anwarul Islam, senior secretary of bridge department said. Manjur Hossain and Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project Director Shafiqul Islam.

Source:Daily Songram

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