‘Target 40 corrupt people in 6 months’

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In the context of corruption, the main headline of the transformation of the country, ‘

According to the report, the Prime Minister has announced a tough stance against corruption amid widespread discussions across the country about the illegal assets of the former Inspector General of Police (IGP), two current officials of the National Board of Revenue.

In the first phase, measures will be taken against at least 40 corrupt persons in the next six months, according to a source close to the prime minister and one of his advisers.

According to the source, the report also said that the wealth acquired through illegal means will be brought into the open. Action will be taken not only against bureaucrats or members of various forces but also against politicians.

It has been said that the process of taking action against the corrupt will continue throughout the tenure of the government. The anti-corruption stance of the government will be tougher next year.

The two sources also said that the prime minister wants to rid the party of corruption along with the government.

The Daily Star’s main headline about the Prime Minister’s visit to China is, ‘Dhaka 

Bangladesh will seek a new $20 billion loan during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s upcoming visit to China, which Beijing hopes will be a “game changer” in bilateral relations, the report said.

Of this, $15 billion will be for infrastructure projects and $5 billion will be in yuan currency for imports from China.

The visit comes just two weeks after Hasina’s first state visit to India after being sworn in as prime minister for a fourth consecutive term.

It is reported that the Prime Minister may go on this visit from July 8 to July 11.

With a visit to China, Bangladesh’s largest trading partner, he is looking to maintain good relations with the two competing regional powers.

In relation to giving transit to India, Kal Kantha’s front page news, ‘

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s speech has been highlighted in the report. He said this in the closing speech at the budget session of the National Parliament on Wednesday.

In this context, he said, ‘In the era of globalization, we cannot keep our doors closed. Today the world is a global village, interdependent. There is no opportunity to stop business and communication.’

He also said in the session, ‘We have to connect with Trans-Asia Highway, Trans-Asia Rail. Why did we transit India today? Various reactions about it.’

‘We have transit. The bus comes from Tripura to Dhaka, it goes to Kolkata via Dhaka.

What is the damage? Instead we are getting road fare. The people of the country are getting benefits. Many are also earning money.’

The Prime Minister said, ‘Nepal, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh – these four countries are being contacted with each country.

We transited with Nepal-Bhutan to India. It’s not a country, it’s done for regional transit facilities and communication facilities.’

Dhaka Tribune’s main news about Rohingya camp women trafficking,  means ‘How traffickers target Rohingya women at camps’.

The report begins with the case of a Rohingya woman whose husband paid a broker four and a half lakh taka to take her to Malaysia. Then the 18-year-old girl went on a sea journey.

For a long time, the family in the camp in Bangladesh has not been able to find any trace of him. Thus, many Rohingya refugees seeking refuge in Bangladesh are being trafficked and most of them are reported to be women.

About 450,000 Rohingya refugees – 66 percent of whom are women and children – make the terrifying sea journey to a dream life in Malaysia or Indonesia in 2023, according to a report by the UN refugee agency UNHCR.

It has been reported that 569 refugees died or went missing in various incidents. More than 100,000 Rohingya refugees live in camps in the southern district of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

Most of whom fled brutal violence in their home country of Myanmar in 2017.

But many of these Rohingya refugees are risking their lives to escape hunger, kidnapping and violence inside makeshift camps in Bangladesh.

Prothom Alor’s headline on the teachers’ program demanding cancellation of pension, ‘ University achal, teachers waiting for meeting with minister ‘.

According to the report, the teachers, officers and employees are observing a simultaneous all-out strike to demand cancellation of the notification of ‘Prayatya’ program of universal pension.

There are no classes or exams in it. In this way, the public universities of the country have been shut down for three consecutive days.

In this situation, Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader is scheduled to have a meeting with the teachers today on Thursday.

The teachers also said that if the demands are not met, they will continue the program in the future. However, the matter depends on the outcome of the discussion with the Minister of Roads.

The demands of the teachers are three—1. Notification of ‘Vertaya’ program cancelled. 2. Inclusion of university teachers in super grade (the grade in which senior secretaries are paid) and 3. Individual pay structure for teachers.

The Federation of University Teachers’ Associations has been opposing the verification program since the notification was issued last March.

Finance Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali recently said that he could not find the rationale for the teachers’ movement.

The pension authority wants to enforce the conviction on 403 state-owned, autonomous, etc. bodies.

In relation to the anti-quota movement, Manavzamin’s main headline is, ‘ 

According to the report, the students and job aspirants have continued their agitation demanding the reinstatement of the notification issued by the government in 2018 by canceling the quota for the first and second class jobs.

They blocked roads, highways and railways in different parts of the country including Dhaka’s Shahbagh on Sunday to demand their demands.

The day before the hearing of the appeal in the chamber court on the quota, the students said that if the verdict is not in their favour, a strict program will be given.

Under no circumstances will students accept discriminatory quota system. Rajpath’s program to collect demands will be stricter and stricter.

The mass march started in front of the central library of the university demanding the cancellation of quota. Which ends with a one and a half hour blockade of Shahbagh Mor after completing TSC, Doel Chatwar, High Court Mor, Matsya Bhavan rounds.

Police tried to stop them when they came to Shahbagh junction. Finally the police left the road.

Due to the blockade of the students, severe traffic jam was created in the area. Common people have to suffer.

In the context of corruption, the main headline of the transformation of the country, ‘

According to the report, the prime minister has announced a tough stance against corruption amid widespread discussions across the country about the illegal assets of the former Inspector General of Police (IGP), two current officials of the National Board of Revenue.

In the first phase, measures will be taken against at least 40 corrupt persons in the next six months, according to a source close to the prime minister and one of his advisers.

According to the source, the report also said that the wealth acquired through illegal means will be brought into the open. Action will be taken not only against bureaucrats or members of various forces but also against politicians.

It has been said that the process of taking action against the corrupt will continue throughout the tenure of the government. The anti-corruption stance of the government will be tougher next year.

The two sources also said that the prime minister wants to rid the party of corruption along with the government.

The main headline of the time about the post trading within the Awami League, ‘ Post trading of the committee proposed by the Awami League ‘.

According to the report, after eight long years, Dhaka Metropolitan North and South Awami League Police Station Ward Committees are being formed.

The list of proposed committees has already been submitted to the central office. Allegations have been made that extortionists, terrorists, drug dealers, sidewalk land grabbers, those involved in casino scandals and murder cases have been included in the committee.

It has also been said that the names of BNP and Jamaat supporters have been proposed for the post of chairman and general secretary of these committees in exchange for a large sum of money. Apart from this, names of relatives have also been included in the list, including the children of the top leaders to ax power.

The top leaders of the two parts of the metropolis named the controversial ones in the committee through an unlimited exchange of terms. 10 to 50 lakh rupees for a post went into the leader’s pocket.

There have also been incidents of gifting expensive cars to leaders in Pada Baga. Many people have fallen because of the lack of money.

Meanwhile, some aspirants have verbally complained that MPs and central leaders have formed the proposed committee ignoring them.

In this situation, party chief Sheikh Hasina has ordered the general secretary of the party to investigate and verify the matter, according to the report.

Dr. The news on the front page of the news regarding the judgment of Yunus’ case, ‘ Until the appeal is settled. 4 people including Yunus are guilty .

According to the report, Nobel laureate economist Dr. in the case of violation of labor law. The High Court quashed the Labor Appellate Tribunal’s order suspending the conviction and sentence of four top officials of Grameen Telecom, including Muhammad Yunus.

After the final hearing of an application (criminal revision) made against the order of the Labor Appellate Tribunal, the High Court bench passed the judgment on March 18.

It is said in the full verdict, until the appeal is settled. The conviction against four officials including Yunus will remain in force.

There is no provision for suspension of conviction pending appeal. This conviction can only be quashed, upheld and modified by the disposal of the appeal.

According to the verdict, four persons got bail from the Labor Appellate Tribunal. No need to stay their sentences is seen, their sentencing orders are automatically and imposed post-bail.

So as long as they are on bail, the sentence will be suspended. The penalty awarded by the Labor Court shall remain in abeyance pending disposal of the appeal.

The Chairman of the Labor Appellate Tribunal shall dispose of the appeal as expeditiously as possible.

The Third Labor Court of Dhaka sentenced four people, including the chairman of Grameen Telecom, Muhammad Yunus, to six months’ imprisonment without labor in this case filed by the Directorate of Inspection of Factories and Institutions for violating labor laws. Apart from this, each was fined 30 thousand rupees.

New Age’s main headline on the flood situation, ‘ More 

According to the report, due to torrential rains in Bangladesh for the past few days, the flood situation has worsened in the northern, northeastern and southeastern regions of the country.

More than 1.8 million people have suffered and 25 thousand people have become temporarily homeless.

The flow of water from the upper reaches of the vast Himalayan region continues towards Bangladesh for the third consecutive day.

Rivers in the Brahmaputra and Meghna basins have started overflowing. Vast areas have been flooded, roads have been submerged, dams and houses have been swept away, crops have been destroyed.

Also, due to scattered landslides in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the authorities have suspended the academic activities of several schools.

At least two people, including a Rohingya, were killed in a landslide at Ukhia in Cox’s Bazar.

The Health Department has officially confirmed 10 deaths since June 17. All these deaths occurred in Sylhet division by drowning.

Sylhet has been affected by flash floods since last July 1. Now the people of that district are affected by the third round of floods.

Source:BBC News

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