Security must be observed

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A foreign operator has been appointed to manage the container terminal at Chittagong seaport. A Saudi Arabian company has started operations at the port’s Patenga Container Terminal (PCT) since June 10. This is the first time that a foreign operator has joined the operation of a terminal at Chittagong port.
It is true that none of the major ports in the world are 100% government managed. All ports are operated as landlord ports, meaning most of the port’s operations are run by the private sector. Government only plays the role of regulatory body.
This will reduce the cost of Chittagong port management by 9 percent and increase the mobility in management by 7 percent. These are World Bank accounts; But the reality of Bangladesh is different. The roots of corruption in this country are so deep that even foreign operators cannot be trusted to be immune. And the role of the government as a regulator cannot be expected to be in favor of the country’s interests. If that was expected, then the country’s economy would not have been in such dire straits in the last 15 years. The government’s failure to establish good governance is evident. It is well known that our banking sector is facing disaster due to sheer lack of discipline. There is criticism that the government’s deal to import electricity from foreign company Adani is against the country’s interest. Many more such examples exist before us. That is why we are skeptical when it comes to hiring foreign operators in any sector.

Again, not all the advice of the World Bank has brought benefits to us. Jute industry was once our main source of foreign exchange earnings. It was destroyed by accepting the advice of the World Bank.
There is no doubt that foreign operators will play a positive role in using the container terminal at Chittagong port. Because logistics is very important in this case. Various industrial cities are being developed in the country. Many economic zones are being established. If production starts in these, the pressure on Chittagong port will increase several times. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the port from now. In this case, hiring skilled and established foreign operators is one of the options. It will increase competitiveness. Efficiency will also increase. Local private operators can also come forward. However, many do not want that port management will be left to the private sector. Although a large part of the country’s big businessmen and industrialists are in favor of it. However, there are security issues involved. Many have expressed their concern about this. Regulatory authorities must always be vigilant.
We are not against port management in the public sector. I think government management is better if you can build a corruption-free and efficient management; But it seems impossible under the current inefficient rulers and administrators who have completely failed to prevent corruption. Therefore, considering all aspects, it is reasonable to give the responsibility to a foreign operator who has an international reputation in port management.

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