Doctors of BSMMU is a drug paradise

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Some are doing medicine, some are studying medicine; But they are the ones who are taking the dangerous drug pathodrine. Drug consumption is going on openly in Doctors Hall of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). There are also allegations of anti-social activities against some of them by bringing women. To cover up these misdeeds, they have opened the connection of CCTV installed in different places of the hall.

The reporter visited several places including the hall bathroom, roof. Signs of drug use were found everywhere. At the time of entering the seven-storied building, one notices the CCTV mounted on the wall; But the CCTV power cable is left open. The condition of other CCTV cameras in that building is also the same. There is an office room on the seventh floor of the building. A few bathrooms are next to the office. Inside and outside ventilators, hundreds of injections and syringes are found.

It is normal to have injections and syringes in hospitals; But why are there so many injections and syringes in the bathrooms of doctors and medical students? From this curiosity, it can be seen that they belong to Pathedrin and similar groups. Although this phenytoin is used during patient surgery, it is also a dangerous drug.

An official was contacted to find out where so much Pathedrin came from in the doctors hostel of BSMMU. He told Kalbela on the condition of anonymity, “Some medical students staying in the hostel are addicted to Pathedrin. Even some of the doctors who have passed MBBS in that hostel are addicted to such drugs.’ He also said that not only in the bathroom, the students sit on the roof of the building and regularly consume alcohol, ganja, phensidyl.

Based on his words, several empty bottles of Phencidyl were found lying on the roof of the building. Signs of regular drinking were also found there.

Talked about these issues with some other officers and employees of the hall. None of them wanted to open their mouths out of fear. A couple of people whispered that there are many people staying illegally in the doctor’s hall. Even though the studentship is over, many doctors did not leave the hall. Despite repeated notices, no action was taken. The former provost of the hall met the truth of their words. Ali talks to Asghar Moral. He said, ‘There are some political implications. Everything cannot be done at will. I tried as long as I could; But I couldn’t quite. I installed CCTV cameras with Ansar deployment below.’

A shop has also been running illegally in the dining hall for many years. Beside it regularly sits the drunken party. Dr. living in room number 722 of the hall talked about this. with good He said, ‘There are allegations of some cases of intoxication. I can’t say the details now.’

When asked how drugs come to the doctor’s hall, Superintendent Ram Waliullah could not give a good answer. He claims that the issue of intoxication has been reported to the vice-chancellor through the current provost. “What can we do if they don’t take action,” he said.

They are not limited to drug use only. There are also allegations of anti-social activities by bringing women from outside. On the evening of July 20, 2023, a student brought a woman to room 718 of the hall. Later, other students saw them and blocked the room. Then the police came and took them away. BSMMU authorities formed a committee on July 23 to investigate the incident. Nothing is known about the investigation report and recommendations of that incident. However, the entry of women in the student hall has not been stopped, it has recently been found clear evidence. Women were seen entering the seventh floor of the hall in the afternoon.

After taking charge of doctors’ hall, the present hall’s provost professor Dr. SM Mustafa Zaman. When asked about these allegations, he told Kalbela, ‘We have noted some specific issues and informed the authorities in writing and a committee has also been formed. Various proposals have been given, including the renovation of the hall.

Vice-Chancellor to learn about the complaint. Attempts were made to contact Deen Mohammad. After a long wait in his personal assistant’s room, the vice-chancellor did not appear. After calling the mobile phone several times, he did not pick up. After that he sent a small message but did not reply.

In a sensitive place like the Medical University, only doctors are getting involved in addiction, how do you see the matter? Touhidul Haque told Kalbela, ‘People trust doctors after God. Because only doctors can save a person’s life. If one of those doctors is addicted, it is a terrible problem for the society. The big question is how safe we ​​are from them if someone takes such drugs with the opportunity of medical care.’

On the other hand, the Narcotics Control Directorate says that Pathedrin is a dangerous drug. Its manufacture and sale without permission is strictly prohibited and a punishable offence. Director (Investigation and Operations) of the Directorate Tanveer Mumtaz told Kalbela, “Pathedrine is a Class ‘A’ drug. It is prohibited to manufacture, trade and consume it without permission. If any medical student or doctor uses it in their professional capacity, action will be taken under the prevailing Narcotics Act.”

Dhaka Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner (Media) informed that action will be taken against them according to the existing law. Farooq Hossain too. He said, ‘If people from any sector of the society are involved in drugs, legal action will be taken against them. Action will be taken against doctors and medical students if they are also caught in police raids taking Pathedrin.’

Meanwhile, after talking to the hospital authorities about this report, the news came yesterday evening that two people were arrested in the state of drug consumption by raiding the doctors’ hall of BSMMU. Provost Professor Dr. confirmed this. SM Mustafa Zaman said, ‘Two people have been detained from the bathroom of the hall. They are Shubo and Abdus Samad. Legal action is being taken against them.’

The doctors in the hall claim that both the detained are foreigners. They were handed over to Ansar members of the hospital. BSMMU Ansar Commander Monir said they have been handed over to Shahbagh police station.

Source: kalbela

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