A 6-year-old child died of electrocution in Jhenaidah

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A 6-year-old child named Amir Hamza died due to electrocution in Dakshin Durgapur village of Jhenaidah Sadar Upazila. 

The accident happened around 12 noon on Thursday. Amir Hamza is the son of Pikul Sheikh, a resident of Durgapur village.

Locals said that Amir Hamza was playing in the courtyard of the house in the afternoon. At that time, easybikes were charged at home. While playing, he came in contact with the electric cable provided by Easybike charging. Later the locals rescued him and took him to Kaliganj Upazila Health Complex. At that time, the doctor on duty declared him dead.

Kaliganj Upazila Health Complex’s emergency department doctor Azgar Ali said that the child died before being brought to the hospital.

Source: jugantor

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