Special prayers for Palestinians in Hajj sermon

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Imam and Khatib of Masjid al-Haram Sheikh Maher Al-Muwaikili has called for special prayers for the Muslims of Palestine in the Hajj Khutba.

Referring to Palestine in the Khutba, he said that the Muslims of Palestine are in the grip of war. They’re upset. They have no drinking water, no electricity, no food, they are deprived of all the comforts and happiness of the world. Pray for them. They owe it to the Muslim world.

He said that those who are helping the Palestinians in various ways, trying to cooperate, helping with ambulances, are also entitled to prayer. Besides, those who are serving the pilgrims are also entitled to prayers.

In the Hajj Khutba, he also said that worship is for Allah alone and the ruling is for Allah alone. And whoever follows Taqwa will receive sustenance from a place he cannot imagine.

He said that Allah Ta’ala is the owner of everything. He has sent down the Qur’an as a mercy to us. The Qur’an is a book whose every verse is full of wisdom. This Qur’an guides people to a straight path.

In the Khutba, he said that Taqwa gives success and liberation to people, those who follow Taqwa will be free from sorrow on the Day of Resurrection. If he is taqwa, Allah Ta’ala will provide for him from a place from where he can not imagine. If he taqwa, Allah will forgive his sins and reward him.

He said that Allah Ta’ala sent Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a mercy to the world. They should respect the Prophet (peace be upon him), believe in him, and obey the Qur’an which Allah has revealed as a guidance, they are the successful.

Source:Time news

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