Allegations of attack led by Awami League leader for not getting subscription, businessman injured

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Miscreants attacked and vandalized the business of Didar Uddin Howladar, a businessman of Torki port in Gournadi Upazila of Barisal. It has been alleged that the attack was carried out under the leadership of Sofikur Rahman (Rezaul Sikder), a member of Awami League of Gournadi Upazila, who did not receive the subscription. Apart from this, his institution has been locked and closed for not receiving the subscription. This incident happened last Friday night.

In this incident, businessman Didar Uddin filed a case against five people at Gourandi Model Police Station on Saturday. Awami League leader Rezaul Sikder has been made the main accused in that case.

Awami League leader Rezaul Sikder admitted that the business was locked and closed and said, ‘I am the owner of that business. In 2011, I paid 10 lakh rupees in advance to Didar on a 10-year contract. The contract expired in 2021, but Didar did not sign a new contract for the rent of the shophouse despite repeated requests and three times a lawyer’s notice. So I locked him out of the shop. Allegation of demand for subscription is not correct.’

When asked about why he himself attacked and locked the business without taking further legal action after giving notice to the lawyer three times, Rezaul Sikder said, “I did it myself because I did not get any justice under the law.”
However, speaking to the eyewitnesses, local people, businessmen of Torquay port and the police, it is known that Didar Uddin Hawladar took a lease of 0.125 thousandths of land in Punionpatti of Torquay port from Gournadi Upazila Land Office and built a business there. His business name is M/s Toha Enterprises. He was doing business there as a distributor of LP gas cylinders, fertilizer-pesticides and BADC seeds.

Talking to the local people, it is known that Didar Uddin Hawladar’s defeated chairman candidate in the last upazila council election campaigned in favor of the motorcycle symbol of Gourandi Upazila Awami League General Secretary Harichur Rahman. And Rezaul Sikder, the winning candidate of Gournadi Municipal Awami League President Monir Hossain worked for Mia’s Cup-Pirich symbol. A dispute arose between the two. In the meantime, Rezaul Sikder became a candidate for the post of mayor when the schedule was announced for the post of mayor of Gournadi Municipal Council.

Businessman Didar Uddin Howladar complained and said, ‘After the upazila elections, Rezaul Sikder demanded a contribution of Tk 10 lakh from me. He called me to his house for non-payment. But even after calling I did not go to his house. Then Rezaul Sikder came to my shop with five-six terrorists around 7:30 on Friday night and wanted to know the reason for not paying the subscription. As I refused to pay the subscription, at one stage they started vandalizing and vandalizing the shop. When I resisted, they kicked me out of the shop with bloody wounds and locked the shop.’

Abul Kalla, an eyewitness to the incident, said, “I was sitting at Didar Uddin’s shop around 7:30 on Friday night and talking.” Suddenly, Rezaul Sikdar came to Didar’s shop and vandalized it.

They beat and injured Didar Uddin when he was prevented from vandalizing. He was first admitted to Gourandi Upazila Health Complex. When the condition worsened, Didar was sent to Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Hospital in Barisal around 10 pm.’
President of Torquay Port Traders Association and member of Barisal District Council. Harun Hawladar said, ‘I went to Didar Uddin’s business after hearing about the attack and heard that he was beaten and injured, the shop was vandalized and locked due to non-payment of subscription. The matter has become very bad.’

Gournadi Model Police Station Inspector (OC Investigation) Md. Mazaharul Islam said that a case has been registered in connection with the attack on businessman Didar Uddin Howladar. Efforts are on to arrest the accused in that case.

Source: prothomalo 

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