Europe ‘vulnerable’, Putin ruled

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Moscow has repeatedly issued tough messages about the use of nuclear weapons after launching a full-scale war in Ukraine. Although not directly implied, if one tries to defeat a nuclear-powered country like Russia, one will have to face disastrous consequences.

And on Friday, Putin claimed that Russia will not need to use nuclear weapons to win Ukraine.

Putin was interviewed on Friday at a panel discussion at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The Forum’s annual event is also known as the ‘Davos of Russia’. 

Putin looked innocent during the interview. However, this is rarely seen. Putin is usually more stern than the interviewer.

But if the interrogator is Sergei Karaganov, a Russian foreign policy expert, then that’s how it should be. 

Last year, Putin spoke of a preemptive nuclear attack. On Friday, he hinted at a ‘nuclear pistol’ on the West’s forehead over Ukraine. 

Putin, however, did not use too harsh language in the interview. However, the Russian president is not exactly a parrot of peace. 

The Kremlin leader said he did not completely rule out a change in Russia’s nuclear weapons policy. 

In that directive, it is said about the circumstances under which Russia will use nuclear weapons. 

Putin said, ‘This direction is changeable and we are watching very carefully what is happening in the world around us. Therefore, I will not cancel the matter of changing this instruction. It is also related to nuclear weapons testing.’

Putin issued a warning to the European countries that are supporting Ukraine. He said, ‘What Russia has (strategic nuclear weapons), Europe does not have. Even if the United States comes with its reserves, it will not be able to shake it.’ 

“Europe doesn’t even have advanced systems (of early warning). As such, they are more or less vulnerable’, added Putin. 

Strategic nuclear weapons are small-scale ‘weapons’. They are designed to destroy only specific targets without spreading radiation over a wide area.

St. Petersburg has had a strange time this week. On the one hand there is a big international forum going on. Russia seems to be sending a message of mutual cooperation. Although obviously the situation is not normal. Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine is now in its third year, and Russia is now the country under the most Western sanctions as a result of the war. Tensions are also rising between Russia and the Western world. 

Earlier in the week, Putin held a meeting with heads of international news agencies in St. Petersburg. There he hinted that Russia could supply advanced technology long-range weapons to third parties to strike Western targets. 

Meanwhile, NATO allies are reportedly set to allow Ukraine to launch attacks on Russian territory with Western-supplied weapons. Putin is believed to have given this message in response. 

Putin said, ‘We have not yet started delivering those weapons. But we have the right to supply those weapons to countries and legitimate organizations under specific pressure, including the military. Those countries that supply weapons to Ukraine and encourage their use on Russian territory are under pressure.’ 

Putin did not say any more details about this in an interview. He didn’t even mention the name of any country. 

Source: prothomalo

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