Mirza Fakhrul’s statement on Jamaat is unscientific: Obaidul Quader

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Awami League General Secretary said this in a statement sent to the media on Monday (June 3) in the wake of BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir’s statement claiming that Jamaat’s politics is scientific.

He said that the matter raised in Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir’s speech about Jamaat is clearly unscientific and unreasonable. The politics of Jamaat is contrary to the basic spirit of Bangladesh, the ideals of the Great Liberation War and the values ​​of independence. This trend of politics has been proven to be anti-national time and again.

Quader also said that a patriotic citizen can never recognize this politics which is against the basic spirit of the constitution and the state which was written in exchange of the blood of 3 million martyrs. Those whose politics strike at the foundations of the country, their strategies can never be scientific or logical.
Awami League General Secretary said, Mirza Fakhrul’s speech, which was hidden behind the mask of progressivity, revealed his true face. At the same time, in his speech, the danger of inciting radical-communal forces to commit terrorist acts has been revealed.

Obaidul Quader said that BNP Secretary General’s speech about the anti-independence radical-communal evil Jamaat has once again proved that, wherever they are, BNP has deep ties with the anti-independence Jamaat and communal evil forces.

He said that the military dictatorship of Ziaur Rahman gave an opportunity to anti-independence radical-communal evil forces to do politics in this country. Historically, this evil anti-independence force has a deep connection and relationship with BNP. That is why BNP leaders including Mirza Fakhrul feel a kind of responsibility towards them and always patronize them.
Obaidul Quader also said that BNP has always been making efforts to establish social legitimacy and recognition of anti-independence and communal evil politics. BNP’s politics revolves around this cycle. They have been using anti-independence forces as their political tools.
The politics of Awami League is conducted on the basis of the spirit and ideals of the liberation war. Obaidul Quader mentioned in his speech that Awami League has never recognized any political evil that is against the spirit and ideals of the liberation war and will not do so in the future either.
It is to be noted that BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam praised Alamgir’s student camp in a discussion meeting of the National Press Club on Sunday (June 2). At the same time, a senior BNP leader also claimed that Jamaat’s politics is scientific.

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