Fuel price hike is against public interest decision: Jamaat

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Jamaat-e-Islami has protested the decision to increase the price of all types of fuel oil. In a statement sent to the media on Saturday evening, the party’s general secretary Professor Mia Golam Parwar said this. 

Golam Parwar said that the government has announced the decision to increase the price of all types of fuel including kerosene, diesel, petrol and octane as unreasonable and against public interest. The people of all levels of the country are worried and surprised by the decision against the national interest.

He said that the government’s decision to increase the price of kerosene and diesel by 75 paise per liter and the price of petrol and octane by two and a half rupees per liter is completely against public interest. The increase in the price of all types of fuel oil will have an adverse effect on the entire economy of the country. There will be a negative reaction in all areas including business. The increase in the price of all fuel oil will not keep the lights on in the homes of poor people who use kerosene. Those who cook on kerosene stove will increase their cooking cost. 

The general secretary of Jamaat said that the increase in the price of petrol, diesel and octane will increase the fare of buses, launches and ferries. The cost of water irrigation will increase. As a result, the cost of production in the factory will increase. Prices of daily necessities and agricultural products, curries and spices will increase. The cost of living of poor, lower middle class and middle class people will increase. 

He demanded immediate withdrawal of the unreasonable decision to increase the price of all types of fuel oil considering the interests of the poor people of the country.  

He said that the current government was not elected by the people. The current government is morally illegitimate. This government is sustained by brute force. This government does not care about the suffering of the people. That is why this government increased the price of all types of fuel with the increase in the price of WASA water. The government is imposing the burden of one price hike on the people.

Source: juganto

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