There is a conspiracy to destroy Islamic values ​​in education policy: Jamaat

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A meeting of the Shura in the Central Majlis of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami was held under the chairmanship of the Amir of the organization Dr. Shafiqur Rahman. In the meeting, strongly condemning and protesting the conspiracy to impose atheist foreign education and culture mixed with paganism on the shoulders of the nation in the name of secularism, the resolution adopted in the Shura meeting in the central Majlis of Jamaat said that ‘in the country of 90 percent Muslims of Bangladesh, the faith of the people of the country is being introduced by introducing atheistic education policy mixed with paganism in the name of secularism. – The current government has been conspiring for 15 years to destroy Aqeedah. The people of this country will never accept foreign education and culture.

The Shura in the Jamaat’s Central Majlis is expressing a strong opinion that whenever the Awami League came to power in post-independence Bangladesh, they have tried unsuccessfully to impose foreign education and culture on the nation. The current Awami government’s conspiracy to destroy Islamic education and people’s Islamic values ​​for 15 years must fail.

The Shura at the Central Majlis of the Jamaat firmly believes that education is the backbone of a nation. To make a nation a developed civilized nation, its education system should be built on the basis of ethics and ideals. Only then honest, competent, experienced people will develop in the country. Currently in Bangladesh, bribery, corruption, money laundering, embezzlement, murder, rape, and youth are being destroyed by drugs including heroin, the main reason is the atheistic and immoral education policy mixed with paganism in the name of secularism. Teachers of man-made schools, colleges, universities are raping female students and consuming yaba, alcohol, ganja, heroin and committing corruption.

The Shura in the Central Majlis thinks that the main goal of the education system should be to educate the new generation of the country on the basis of moral and ideal values ​​and make them honest, competent, principled and ideal people. Only then a student will be able to play a worthy role in building the country in career.

An ideal person will be able to attain freedom in this life and the hereafter by serving the country and the nation by fulfilling his responsibilities in his personal, family, social and state life.

The Shura in the Central Majlis of the Jamaat is also observing with concern that the present government is not only destroying modern education but also Madrasa education. The main goal of the government is that there will only be houses called madrasas, there will be no such thing as Islamic education. That’s why foreign teachers are being appointed in Madrasahs. Schools, colleges, universities and madrassas are also teaching dance, singing, acting, playing musical instruments such as dhol, tabla and harmonium. Animal drawing and idol making are taught. Baul song, shrine worship etc. are being taught shirk by excluding Islamic education-culture and Muslim history-tradition textbooks. Celebrating birth anniversaries and death anniversaries, the culture of kissing students, saying good morning and good evening instead of salam is being taught. The love stories of Radha-Krishna, Chandidas and the philosophy of Sri Chaitanya are being taught. Paganism is being taught to Muslim students by forgetting the laws of halal and haram. Homosexuality is being introduced by promoting transgender and equating it with the third gender i.e. transgender.

Jamaat’s Central Majlis Shura is making a call to the vast masses of the country to build a strong mass movement to demand the cancellation of these foreign education policies mixed with paganism of the current government.

Source: daily naya diganta

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