Bangladesh today is plagued by various crises: Jamaat Amir

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Amir of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami commented that today Bangladesh is plagued by various crises. Shafiqur Rahman.

He made this comment at the six-monthly session of Shura in the Central Majlis according to the constitution of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami on Wednesday.

Under the chairmanship of the Amir of the organization, in the Shura session of the Majlis, the Vice Amir of the organization, Professor Mujibur Rahman, former MP, Dr. Syed Abdullah Md. Taher, former MP, Maulana Anam Shamsul Islam, former MP and Secretary General and former MP Professor Mia Golam Parwar, Assistant Secretary General and members of the Central Executive Council were present.

In the president’s speech, Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, I am thanking Almighty Allah for being able to start the Shura session in the Central Majlis after a long time. I remember with deep respect and honor former Amir Professor Ghulam Azam and former Amir Jamaat and former Minister Maulana Matiur Rahman Nizami, Naib Amir Maulana AKM Yusuf, Professor AKM Nazir Ahmad, Maulana Abdus Subhan and Allama Delawar Hossain Saeedee, former Secretary General and former Minister Ali Ahsan Muhammad Mujahid, former Assistant Secretary General Muhammad Kamaruzzaman and Abdul Quader Mollah and Central Executive Council member Mir Kasem Ali. May Allah Almighty accept their martyrdom and grant them a high place in Jannah.

Shafiqur Rahman also said that the nation is passing through a difficult time. People do not have freedom of speech and expression. No right to free movement. There is no opportunity for assembly and exercise of political rights. After coming to power, this government has taken away all the rights of the people including voting rights. In fact people have no rights today. Monarchical parties especially Islam, Islamic movements and individuals and organizations are victims of government persecution. Islamic groups are being persecuted by the government. Jamaat-e-Islami in particular has become the main target of the current government. A conspiracy case was filed against the top leaders to oust the leadership of the Jamaat and they were sentenced to death and executed. Lakhs of leaders and workers of Jamaat are detained in jail during the current government. Thousands of leaders and workers were arrested and tortured. Governments resort to all means to eliminate opponents. All the conspiracies of the government have ended in failure.

He said the government has completely destroyed the electoral system. The government without vote has created a terrible situation in the country by running corruption and misrule. There is no peace, no order in social life. The rule of law does not matter.

He also said that the economy of the country is facing a terrible disaster today. Various irregularities and corruption including stock market scam, bank robbery, money laundering abroad have destroyed the financial system of the country. The government has severely disrupted banking discipline by taking loans from banks.

The country’s education system has been systematically destroyed. Islamic education has been excluded from the education curriculum of 92 percent Muslim-dominated countries. Moral values ​​have been destroyed by introducing alien education curriculum instead of moral and ideal education. Madrasa education has not been spared from the machinations of the government. Qawmi Madrasa is also under threat today. Scholars, Islamic thinkers, academics and Islamic personalities of the country are being humiliated in various ways. A united resistance should be built against these activities of the government.

Ameer Jamaat also said that we met in the Shura session of the Majlis at a time when 17 people were killed by Cyclone Rimal, which swept over 19 districts in the southern region of Bangladesh on May 27. About 3.8 million people have been affected. People’s houses were heavily damaged. Thousands of fish cages were submerged in the water. Millions of people live under the open sky. Dams have broken in some southern districts of the country. Many people’s crops have been destroyed. I am calling on the well-off people of the society, various social and political organizations, especially the leaders and workers of Jamaat-e-Islami, to stand by the people affected by the cyclone.

He said that Bangladesh, which has huge potential, is plagued by various crises today. Jamaat workers have to play a leading role to save the country from crisis. By conveying the call of Islam to people from house to house and mobilizing them to play a strong role in the overall goal of change based on Islamic values. The members of the Shura in the Majlis of the Jamaat should devote themselves to the welfare of the country and nation. Public service should be ensured through social activities.

Credit dailynayadiganta

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