List of 14 innocent people killed by Anwarul Azim Gong in 2016

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1. Abu Huraira Malitha, 29 February 2016, madrasah teacher and Jamaat activist
2. Hafez Jasim Uddin, 4 March 2016, Jhenaidah Aliya Madrasa student and camp leader
3. Abu Zar Giffari, 12 April 2016, Jessore MM College student and camp leader
4. Shamim Hossain, 12 April 2016, Jhenaidah Government KC College student and camp worker
5. Mohiuddin Sohan, 20th April 2016, Class XI student of Noor Ali College and Camp Worker
6. Shaheed Al Mahmoud, 1 July 2016, student and camp leader of Jhenaidah Siddiquiya Kamil Madrasah
7. Anisur Rahman, 1 July 2016, President, Jhenaidah Polytechnic Branch, Shibir.
8. Ibnul Islam Parvez, 2 July 2016, Central Deputy of the camp. Literary Editor and President, Jhenaidah City
9. Saiful Islam Mamun, 19 July 2016, Islamic University student and camp leader
10. Ramzan Ali, 30 July 2016, small businessman and non-political person
11. Shariful Islam, 2 August 2016, general public servant and non-political person
12. Maulana Idris Ali, 12 August 2016, Imam, Madrasa teacher and Jamaat worker
13. Zahurul Islam, 26 October 2016, Ameer, Jhenaidah Municipality, Jamaat
14. Dr. Tariq Hasan Sajib, 26 October 2016, Jhenaidah Islami Bank Hospital medical officer and Jamaat leader.

On February 29, 2016, Abu Huraira Malitha, a dedicated teacher at a madrasah and an active Jamaat member, came into the spotlight. Just a few days later, on March 4, 2016, Hafez Jasim Uddin, a student at Jhenaidah Aliya Madrasa and a prominent camp leader, garnered attention for his contributions to his community.

In the month of April, two significant individuals emerged. Abu Zar Giffari, a student at Jessore MM College and a camp leader, made headlines on April 12, 2016. On the same day, Shamim Hossain, a student at Jhenaidah Government KC College and a camp worker, was also noted for his active involvement.

The list of notable figures continued to grow with Mohiuddin Sohan, a Class XI student at Noor Ali College and a dedicated camp worker, who became a focal point on April 20, 2016. As summer approached, Shaheed Al Mahmoud, a student and camp leader at Jhenaidah Siddiquiya Kamil Madrasah, made a significant impact on July 1, 2016. That same day, Anisur Rahman, the President of the Jhenaidah Polytechnic Branch of Shibir, was also recognized for his leadership.

In July, Ibnul Islam Parvez, serving as the Central Deputy of the camp, literary editor, and president of Jhenaidah City, stood out on July 2, 2016. Later in the month, on July 19, 2016, Saiful Islam Mamun, a student at Islamic University and a camp leader, gained prominence. Ramzan Ali, a small businessman and non-political individual, was acknowledged on July 30, 2016, for his role in the community.

As August rolled in, Shariful Islam, a general public servant and non-political individual, was noted for his contributions on August 2, 2016. Maulana Idris Ali, an Imam, madrasa teacher, and Jamaat worker, came to the forefront on August 12, 2016.

October brought further attention to key figures such as Zahurul Islam, the Ameer of Jhenaidah Municipality and a Jamaat member, who was highlighted on October 26, 2016. On the same day, Dr. Tariq Hasan Sajib, a medical officer at Jhenaidah Islami Bank Hospital and a Jamaat leader, was also recognized for his significant role in the community.

This compilation of individuals showcases a diverse array of leaders, students, and professionals who have made notable contributions to their respective fields and communities throughout the year 2016. Their dedication and leadership have left a lasting impact, illustrating the dynamic and influential roles they play in their localities.

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