Therapy dog ​​is strengthening the patient’s mind!

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In words, the mind is good, the body is also strong. Therefore, a novel initiative has been taken to improve the mental health of patients in two hospitals in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Allowing patients to cheer up with therapy dogs. Relatives of patients and health workers are also feeling relieved by the magical presence of cute animals.

Many people keep dogs to guard their homes. However, loneliness has become a major reason for owning a dog during the Covid period. To remove loneliness, to get rid of depression, many people approached Sarmey. Although it is a bit hard to believe, several recent studies have also revealed such data.

The companionship of dogs makes people feel better. Even in many cases, dogs only help people in physical therapy. In many cases, hospitals, nursing homes, libraries, and even schools have specially trained dogs to help people. They are called ‘therapy dogs’.

On the second day of admission to the ICU of De Ma Hospital in Barcelona, ​​Spain, a patient named Joel Bueno cried with joy after seeing two dogs named Vida and Lu. In his words, seeing them reminded me of myself. They don’t even know me. But he took it as his own at the moment.


He has been in the hospital for four days due to blood clot disease. The feeling of having someone who loves you more than anything is truly amazing, says Joel Bueno. They will do anything for you once they love you.

De Ma Hospital in Barcelona and the Affinity Foundation piloted this therapy dog ​​program to improve the mental health of patients. About this patient Oak said, I was very disappointed when the doctors told me how long I would have to stay in the hospital. But when I know, sometimes I can have the company of dogs, I don’t feel bad anymore. This initiative is amazing.


Initially, the program allows patients to spend 15 to 20 minutes with a therapy dog ​​twice a week. The doctors there said, till now it is in experimental condition. We hypothesize that animals have a very positive effect on patients’ mental health.

Not only the patients, but also the health workers working tirelessly in the emergency department of the hospital are forgetting their fatigue by having the proximity of a warm therapy dog. Innocent animals are spreading relief in hospitals that are full of anxiety every now and then. They said that the dogs are having a positive effect on the minds of everyone including patients, hospital staff, patients’ relatives and doctors. Many people are coming and loving. It reduces their daily stress.


It is known that research is being conducted by collecting saliva from the body of patients before and after dog therapy. The results of which are met immediately. Interestingly, this particular phrase was born at the end of World War II. Since then, the Kherapi Dog topic has gradually become popular.

Credit Ekattor.Tv

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