Demand for declaration of free investment policy to bring back money laundering

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The National Lawyers Association has made a four-point demand to bring back money smuggled abroad, including the declaration of free investment policy. Other demands include liberalizing the National Board of Revenue by moving away from the old mindset, raising the tax rate by 5 per cent on certain sources of income of taxpayers and formulating an investment-friendly budget. This demand was announced at a press conference at the National Press Club on Monday.

In the press conference, it was said that in the next budget, the National Board of Revenue may take steps to bring back money laundered from abroad by announcing a free investment policy. This will gradually increase investment in various sectors and increase dynamics in the currency market. The dollar crisis will also decrease.

President of the association Shah Md. read the written statement at the press conference. Khasruzzaman. Secretary General of the organization was also present at this time. Sagir Anwar, Vice President Shamsul Jalal Chowdhury, Suraiya Begum, Deputy Secretary General Shahed Ali Jinnah, Faizur Rahman Chowdhury Shaheen, Md. Abduch Chabur Dewan, Sheikh Rezaul Karim, Mosharraf Hossain Setu, Sheikh Lokman Hakim and Kamal Hossain. Shah Khasruzzaman said in the press conference that if the 4-point demand is implemented, the revenue of the government will increase a lot.

It was also said in the press conference that all the businessmen involved in the business of imported raw materials including industry, agriculture, health, housing, fishery and animal resources, housing sector of the country during the global war crisis have the opportunity to do business with the investment of money without taxation and without question accepted by the National Board of Revenue. Giving will create a new chapter in business. Besides, now is the right time to collect revenue by setting up tax office of National Board of Revenue in every upazila of the country. At the same time, the government was called upon to form a new ministry with banking and insurance departments, besides making the state apparatus more active to stop money laundering abroad.

Credit samakal

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