We do not accept any division on the basis of party-religion: Jamaat Amir

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Amir of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, let us learn by seeing the past, future and future. We don’t want to see terrorists who, while in power, will dare to take weapons and bullets to people’s chests with people’s money. The entire Bangladesh should be united. 36 crore hands of 18 crore people should be united.

He said this in the chief guest’s speech at the meeting organized by Jamaat-e-Islami of Gazipur metropolis at 11:30 am on Friday (October 4) at Rajbari Maidan in the city.

He said, the world should be told that there is no division between us for the sake of the country and nation. We have trampled all the divisions that were created. And we will not allow anyone to divide this nation. We will not allow the nation to be divided on the basis of party, religion and caste. Those who divide the nation are those who are enemies of the nation. Those who are friends of the nation, can never divide and divide the nation. We are uncompromising in this regard.

He said, those who are enemies of this society are those who want to destroy the industry. They inflame the passions of the workers and take them to the streets. They say workers will get benefits sitting at home. There are some owners who want to suck the blood of the workers if they can, it is unfair. Let those who will save the industry live. You will respect them, they will give you everything with all their might. As the industry prospers, so do they. We want such a society without discrimination. We want a society where the government is bound to give every child born four rights (food, shelter, health and good education).

He said, in our country, opportunists create conflict between owners and workers. If there is no entrepreneur and owner, where will the workers work? If the industry does not survive, where will the employment be? We want businessmen to do business in his place, no rogue will dare to ask him for extortion. There will be ease in the market, bearable commodity prices, so that every man can live comfortably according to his means. Social security will be such that he sleeps peacefully at night whether the door is open or closed within the house, no miscreant will dare to rob him of his wealth or honor. We want such a society.

He also said that this country has repeatedly cried out for release in exchange of oceans of blood, 47, 71 and again in 2024. I do not know if any nation has shed so much blood for its own independent rights. Men, women and one and a half month old children fought equally. Just two days before the new independence that the people of Bangladesh got on the 24th, a mother walked on the street with her one and a half month old baby in her lap. He stood in front of the police to get his chest. The reporters said, “Mom, move away.” You don’t stay here with this little baby of yours. He said I don’t have big kids. No one in my family will be martyred? I am here to be martyred with this child. I want to see the nation freed, freed by the martyrdom of me and my child. We pray that Allah Ta’ala does not create children from the wombs of the mothers of those nations who have created such an illusion in the minds of that nation so that it creates wars.

He said, “We will tell the Middle East that this nation will not allow you to do what you have done in the past.” We will inform that from now on people of Bangladesh will call black as black and white as white. We want a country where there is no discrimination.

The chief guest said in his speech that we need such a society in which educated people will not loot thousands of crores from the nation with the stroke of a pen. We don’t want to see a sworn politician becoming a court judge. Don’t want to see any crook in the court chair. A government official is a servant of the state, not a party or an individual. We do not want to see any officers and employees in the future who will be forced to worship the group, excluding the state and the people. We all wish for such a country. We have to build that country, inshallah. Jamaat-e-Islami in Bangladesh is committed.

He said that Jamaat-e-Islami has been subjected to the most brutal torture in history for 15 and a half years in Bangladesh. 11 top leaders were killed. Judicial killings have been committed by oppression. Allama Delawar Hossain Saeedi has become the victim of the latest tragic incident. Those who have been killed, we want to see those killers brought to justice in this world. The murder planners, masterminds, executioners, those who gave bad judgments in court, gave false witnesses, those who staged drama during the investigation should not escape from that crime. They wanted to kill the entire nation. 57 smart patriotic army officers were brutally murdered just two months after coming to power. BDR forces have been decimated. I want the release of all the innocent people who are in jail. We said we will not take revenge, we will not take the law into our hands. Our colleagues have been extremely patient. What has been done with the clerics in Shapla Square on May 5, 2013? God knows how many people they killed in the darkness of the night by turning off the lights and firing the brush. Their bodies were not found. A few ministers of the evil government said just four days before the fall of the 24th, don’t overdo it, don’t forget the Shapla Chatter on May 5, 2013. After 12 midnight we cleared all the koyas.

Addressing the families of the martyrs, he said that those who were martyred did not fight for getting a job or for anyone’s help. They are our pride, dignity and honor. They fought selflessly to honor the nation. It is the duty of the nation now to honor their families. It has to be done, there is no alternative. I will demand from the government to give them proper recognition. At least one person from every martyr’s family should be provided decent job by the government. Those who are injured and crippled by fighting should also be given honorable jobs. May they not be at the mercy of anyone forever.

Gazipur Metropolitan Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Prof. Mohammad Jamal Uddin was the special guest in the meeting.

Jamaat-e-Islami central working council member said. Khalilur Rahman, Dhaka North Region team member Abul Hasem Khan, Maulana Delawar Hossain, Gazipur District Jamaat Amir Dr. Jahangir Alam, Gazipur Mahanagar Jamaat Naib Amir Muhammad Khairul Hasan, Mahanagar Jamaat Secretary Abu Saeed Mohammad Farooq, former central president of the camp Salauddin Ayubi etc.

Source:Noya Digonto

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