China seized assets of 9 US companies

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China has announced the seizure of assets of 9 US companies for arms sales to Taiwan. On Wednesday, Beijing announced the seizure of all assets of these companies inside China. Beijing has taken this initiative to put pressure on Washington to stop US arms sales to Taiwan.

This information is known from the report of the news agency Reuters. China has claimed Taiwan as its territory since the beginning. And based on that demand, China has always called on the Western world, especially the United States, not to give arms to Taiwan.

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the seizure. According to the ministry’s announcement, assets of companies such as Sierra Nevada Corporation, Stick Radar Enterprises LLC, Cubic Corporation, S3 Aerospace, TCM Limited Partnership, Textor, Planet Management Group, ACT-1 Federal and Exovara have been seized. In a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, any Chinese person or organization has been asked to refrain from dealing with these companies.

Earlier, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian at a regular press briefing on Wednesday urged the United States to immediately stop its dangerous trend of arming Taiwan. “Stop cooperating and supporting Taiwan’s independence and stop destroying peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” he said.

Source:Daily Songram

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