Decision to stop student-teacher politics in DU

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The university administration has decided to stop all kinds of politics of students-teachers-officers-employees in the Dhaka University campus until further instructions.

This decision was taken in an emergency syndicate meeting held at the VC Lounge in Dhaka University’s administrative building on Thursday (September 19) night. 15 out of 17 members of the syndicate participated in the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, two syndicate members who participated in the meeting confirmed this information on condition of anonymity.

They said that in the emergency meeting of the syndicate, it has been decided to stop all kinds of party politics in the Dhaka University campus until further instructions. This decision was taken unanimously

Banning partisan politics on university campuses was one of the nine-point demands made by the students at one stage of the quota reform movement. The Awami League government fell on August 5 in the face of the student movement. After that, a group of students protested and held a rally in the university campus demanding an end to party politics.

Among them, a young man named Tofazzal was beaten to death on suspicion of mobile theft in Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall of Dhaka University (DU) on Wednesday night. Chhatra League leader Jalal Ahmed led this murder.
A group of students beat to death the former leader of the Chhatra League in Jahangirnagar University on the same night.

He is a student of the 2018-19 session of Physics Department of the University and former Deputy Science and Technology Secretary of Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall Chhatra League.

According to eyewitness students in the hall, among those involved in beating Tofazzal were Abdus Samad (2020-21) of Physics Department, Sultan (2020-21) of Zoology Department, Rabi of Mathematics Department (2021-21), Feroze of Botany Department (2020-21), Soil Science Department (2020-21). Suman (2021-22), Wajibul (2021-22) of Department of Oceanography, Mohammad Yamuz Zaman of Department of Pharmacy and Ahsan Ullah of Mathematics Department (2018-19 session).

Meanwhile, Shahbag police station arrested Jalal Ahmed and Suman (2021-22) of the Department of Soil Science for their involvement in Tofazzal’s murder.

On Thursday (September 19) around 4 pm they were taken to Shahbag police station said the assistant proctor of the university. Muhammad Rafiqul Islam.

The university administration has filed a case in this regard.

On behalf of the university administration, Estate Office Supervisor Mohammad Amanullah filed a statement at the Shahbag police station. Shahbag police officer-in-charge AKM Sahabuddin Shaheen confirmed that the statement has been recorded as a case.

It is written in the statement of the case that on September 18, around 7:45 pm, a young man was roaming suspiciously at the gate of Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall of Dhaka University. Some students in the university arrested him and first took him to the guest room of the main building of Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall and slapped him. He punches. When asked at that time, his name was Tofajjal.

Later, realizing that he was a mental patient, he was taken to the canteen of Fazlul Haque Muslim Hall and fed to the guest room in the south building of the hall. He was beaten by some unruly students with stamps, hockey sticks and sticks, tied his hands behind the window, and fell unconscious. Later, when the matter was reported to some resident teachers of the university, with their help, the unconscious young man was taken to the emergency department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital, where the doctor declared him dead at around 12:45 pm.

Meanwhile, in this incident, the provost of the hall, Professor Dr. Shah Md. Masum formed a seven-member committee.

Our Patharghata correspondent informed that the deceased Tofazzal was the son of late Abdur Rahman of Charduani village of Kathaltali Union taluk of Patharghata Upazila of Barguna district and the president of Kathaltali Union Chhatra League.

It is known that Tofazzal (32) used to roam around in different areas like a vagabond for several years due to mental instability. Tofazzal was studying at Bangabandhu Law College after completing his Honors-Masters in Bengali from Barisal BM College. In this condition, he became mentally unbalanced.

It may be noted that the emergency syndicate meeting starts at 7 pm and ends at 9 pm. Today the Syndicate only discusses banning politics on campus.

Source:Noya Digonto

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