Discrimination will not be removed from society without the establishment of Allah’s religion

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Naib Amir of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and former MP Professor Mujibur Rahman said, “A society without discrimination means managing the society according to the Qur’an and Sunnah. As long as society and state are not governed according to Quran and Sunnah, discrimination will continue in the country. It is not possible to make the society and state system non-discriminatory by keeping those who have committed corruption, oppressed and tortured people.”

He said these things in a seminar titled “Ideology of Rasoolullah (SAW) in establishing a non-discriminatory society” organized by Rajshahi Metropolitan Jamaat on Monday, September 16. Under the chairmanship of Dr. Maulana Keramat Ali, Central Working Council member and Emir of Rajshahi Metropolitan Municipality and Secretary Mr. Prof. Dr. Masud Alam of Rajshahi University’s Islamic Studies Department presented the main article in the seminar conducted by Imaz Uddin Organizing Secretary Maulana Nasir Uddin Helali, Mufti Habibullah Kashemi, Principal Maulana Yahya, Maulana Ruhul Amin etc.

Professor Mujibur Rahman said, “To build a non-discrimination society, we cannot be limited to just listening to speech. We have to follow Islam fully in our personal, social and state life. The fallen Hasina government has created discrimination at all levels of the country in the name of removing discrimination from the society. They did not give any place to the common people except their party leaders.”

He further said, “There is no place for militancy in Islam. A section of society has tarnished Islam by presenting it differently. People with piety are needed to remove corruption, corruption and discrimination from the society. People who do not have Taqwa should not be given important positions in society.

Source:Bangladesh jammt e islam

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