Advisor Asif’s status on ‘quick entry’

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Recently, a phone conversation of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was leaked. There, Sheikh Hasina said, ‘I am very close to the country so that I can enter quickly.’ This line instantly went viral. Asif Mahmud Sajib Bhuiyan, Labor and Employment Adviser of the Interim Government spoke on that line.

On Friday (September 13) around 4:30 pm, he wrote in a status on the social media Facebook, ‘so that I can enter quickly’. Come please, the prison door is open.’

Meanwhile, Asif Mahmud deleted the Facebook status a few minutes after giving it.

For Time News readers, Sheikh Hasina’s leaked phone conversation is presented in detail:

Tanveer: I called you about a matter, we are holding a meeting-march under the leadership of Emdad Bhai in New York City. But the situation in the area is very bad. All the leaders and activists of Kamrangir Char-Keraniganj are outside the area. After that, Sheikh Hasina was heard to say, all murder cases. Murder case against all.

Tanveer: I am helping the Chhatra League-Youth League of the area. If you say you help them from here, I did. And if you say you go to the country and try to organize a party, then you will do it. Your decision is yours.

Sheikh Hasina said, sit here and help now. This will be most useful. Even if you go to the country later.

Tanveer: Lawyers can’t stand. If you could advise on this…

Sheikh Hasina said, tell the lawyers to organize the people so that the lawyers go there. Besides, any other…

After that, Sheikh Hasina can be heard saying again, elections are going on where you are. Keeping in touch with them during their campaigning, informing them of these issues while assisting in the campaigning. Bring a support from them

Tanveer: I think Trump will come this time. Trump is actually very good for us.

Sheikh Hasina said, whoever comes. If they are campaigning, communicating with them will be useful in the future. I told everyone this.

Tanveer: There is a news coming to Bangladesh, you are being transferred from Ghaziabad to Delhi by helicopter

Hasina was surprised and asked, with a helicopter? Said, helicopter of any country. Send a picture and see. What nonsense they say. I am very close to the country. not so far I’m close by so I can sneak in.

At this time crying Tanveer says, you are suffering, the media you are giving, they are not telling the truth, they are not working. where will you go May Allah save you. we are you When you order, Tanveer, come to the country from America, come and organize the party leadership in Char-Keraniganj of Kamrangi, I will run as soon as you say.

Sheikh Hasina said, if she goes now, she will file a case, in the end she will not be able to do anything. 113 cases against me. Everyone needs to be told about these things from the United Nations, Fals is giving a case. I have no family left. The case in the name of all.

Source:Tim News

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