The number of dengue patients reached 18 thousand

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Aedes mosquito-borne dengue outbreak is increasing day by day. In addition to the capital Dhaka, the number of dengue patients is gradually increasing in hospitals across the country. According to the government, the number of dengue patients this year has exceeded 18 thousand. 

Among these, 196 more patients have been admitted to hospitals across the country due to dengue infection in the last 24 hours from Thursday morning to Friday morning. All together, the number of dengue patients has reached 18 thousand 41. However, no one has died of dengue in the last one day. 103 people have died of dengue so far this year. 

Public health experts told Jugantar that due to intermittent rainfall and humidity in nature, the dengue-carrying Aedes mosquito has created an environment suitable for breeding. At the same time, the mosquito control program is closed due to the absence of mayor, ward councilors and mayors and councilors of the city corporation. The anti-mosquito workers are not working regularly. Operations have stopped. Also, routine anti-mosquito measures of the City Corporation including larvicide sprays and fogging have also reduced significantly. As a result, the risk of mosquito-borne diseases is increasing alarmingly across the country, including the capital, due to the dengue season. As the temperature and humidity increase, the proliferation of Aedes mosquitoes will increase. As a result, the dengue situation may worsen at the end of September and in the months ahead.

According to the latest notification on dengue infection of the Department of Health, 33 people were admitted to the hospital due to dengue infection in the last 24 hours in Chittagong Division (outside City Corporation), 37 in Dhaka Division (outside City Corporation), 53 in Dhaka North City Corporation, Dhaka South City. There are 50 in the Corporation, 14 in Khulna Division (outside City Corporation), seven in Rajshahi Division (outside City Corporation) and two in Rangpur Division (outside City Corporation).                 

In the last 24 hours, 297 dengue patients have been discharged from hospitals across the country. A total of 16 thousand 193 people have received clearance this year. A total of 18 thousand 41 people have been affected by dengue until September 13 this year. Among them, 61.9 percent are males and 38.1 percent are females. No one has died due to dengue in the last 24 hours. 

According to the analysis of the data of the Department of Health, in January this year, 1 thousand 55 people were admitted to the hospital due to dengue, of which 14 people died. In February, 339 people were hospitalized, including three deaths. In March, 311 people were infected, five of whom died. In April, 504 people were infected, two of whom died. In May, 644 people were infected, of whom 12 died. In June 798 people were infected with dengue, 8 people died, in July 2 thousand 669 people were infected with dengue, 12 people died. Besides, 27 people died and 6 thousand 521 people were infected in August. On the other hand, in September, 5,200 people were infected and 20 people died. 

Of the 103 people who died from January to September 13 this year, 68 of them belong to the two city corporations of Dhaka. But the most 59 people are in Dhaka South City.

Dr. Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital director. Md. Shafiur Rahman said that 123 dengue patients were admitted to his hospital this year. 64 of them recovered and went home. Currently 59 patients are admitted. So far no one has died of dengue in this hospital. The number of patients has been steadily increasing for the past 2 weeks.

This doctor also said that if you have dengue, you should not panic. Sufficient amount of liquid and food should be consumed. If the fever is high, wipe the patient’s body repeatedly with a wet towel. Besides, according to the doctor’s advice, take medicines like paracetamol and dengue NS-1 and antigen test should be done. If the physical condition worsens, it should be brought to the hospital immediately.

Entomologist Dr. Jahangirnagar University. Abu Fayez Aslam said, Aedes mosquito control is not only by spraying medicine. Similarly, coordinated action should be taken throughout the year to kill mosquitoes, not during the monsoon season. The interim government should take a strong role in combating dengue.

Experts also told Jugantar that a review of the past few years has shown that dengue outbreaks take a severe form after the main monsoon season. Dengue is not only concentrated in Dhaka, but is spreading across the country. There is an urgent need to formulate a technically sound and implementable strategy to prevent dengue.

Since 2000, the Department of Health has been keeping data on hospital admissions and deaths due to dengue in the country. Among them, 3 lakh 21 thousand 179 people were admitted to the hospital with this disease in 2023. 1 thousand 705 people died due to dengue that year. Which is the highest death and infection record in the history of the country. which has never been seen before. 


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