Conspiracy to make Bangladesh secular must be stopped: ATM Masum

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Maulana ATM Masum, Central Assistant Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and Central Adviser of Combined Ulama Mashaikh Parishad, said that all conspiracies to reconstruct the long-ravaged country and make our motherland secular should be stopped.

He said this while addressing the chief guest at the all-party Ulama Mashayekh conference at the historical Jasimuddin Auditorium, organized by the Combined Ulama Mashaikh Parishad, Faridpur on Friday.

One of the central advisors of former member of parliament Ulama Mashaikh Parishad, Assistant Secretary General Maulana Hamidur Rahman Azad, Secretary General of Combined Ulama Mashaikh Parishad, General Secretary of Bangladesh Mosque Mission spoke as a special guest. Maulana Khalilur Rahman Madani, Assistant Secretary General of Hefazte Islam, Bangladesh Central Leader and Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Khilafat Movement, Mufti Fakhrul Islam, prominent Mufassir Maulana Mufti Amir Hamza, Tekerhat Pir Maulana Kamrul Islam Saeed Ansari, District Advisor Principal Maulana Badruddin Ahmad Various communities including tawab Muhtamim Principal of Aliya Madrasa.

Principal Maulana Mahmudul Hasan presided over the conference under the direction of Principal Maulana Nuruzzaman, President of the Parishad.

Maulana ATM Masum said, the fallen Awami government wanted to erase Islam forever from different areas of the country.

Former MP Maulana Hamidur Rahman Azad said, scholars have always played a very watchful role in the freedom struggle, anti-British movement and especially the sovereignty of Bangladesh in the Indian subcontinent. The previous fascist regime could not tolerate the word Islam in monograms in various universities and colleges and in important places – they are gone, we must remain steadfast in the united movement to protect the values ​​in Islam. Islamic values ​​will not be allowed to be tampered with in this country.

Dr. Khalilur Rahman Madani said, now is the time to forget all differences and make a united effort in Deen. The limited thrust of the table of mufti-muhaddiths on the details of spicy differences is palpable. There is absolutely no difference of opinion among members, in Maidan, in Mahfil, in public. We are all ready to work regardless of party affiliation to build the country, protect the independence and sovereignty of the country, and above all to build an ideal society free of corruption, crime and terrorism.

Mufti Fakhrul Islam said that the dictatorial government had arrested and tortured the clerics by carrying out the massacre of Shapla Chatwar and forced them to confess their immoral deeds. Now is the time to demand justice for all injustice corruption and oppression

Source:Noya Digonto

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