At least 81 killed in Boko Haram attack in Nigeria

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The terrorist group Boko Haram has attacked the African country of Nigeria. Eighty-one people were killed in the attack in the country’s northeastern province of Yobe, and several others are still missing.

Yobe provincial police spokesman Abdulkarim Dungus told AFP that about 150 Boko Haram terrorists attacked the Mafa area of ​​Yobe last Sunday around 4 pm local time. Armed with rifles, RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades), they arrived on more than 50 motorcycles.

They have killed many people, said Dungus, adding that these terrorists have looted and set fire to several houses besides killing people by indiscriminate shooting in Mafa. We have so far identified 80 dead, but many are still unaccounted for.
Another police officer, Bulama Jalaluddin, said that two Boko Haram terrorists were beaten to death by residents of Mafa area a few days ago. We believe that this attack was carried out to take revenge.

For the past several years, several terrorist groups have established a reign of terror in West and North Africa. Boko Haram is one of them. This group is most active in Nigeria.

Boko Haram, a follower of the Al Qaeda network based in the Middle East, is popularly known as the ‘bandit gang’ in Nigeria. Boko Haram has been active in Nigeria for the past 15 years and is involved in various crimes including murder, robbery, kidnapping and ransom. Their attacks have killed more than 40 thousand people in the country so far.


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