A person cannot be Prime Minister more than twice

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Chief advisor. In a meeting with Muhammad Yunus, Hefazat Islam and 6 Islamic parties proposed that one person should not serve more than two terms as Prime Minister. Besides, they have asked to organize the national elections by carrying out the reforms with a reasonable time.

On Saturday afternoon, a meeting was held with the Chief Adviser of Hefazat Islam and the leaders of 6 Islamic parties at the State Guest House Jamuna. 

After the meeting, Maulana Mamunul Haque, leader of Hefazat Islam and Secretary General of Bangladesh Khilafat Majlis, said that they have proposed that a person should not hold the post of Prime Minister for more than two terms. Apart from this, he asked to organize the national elections by carrying out the reforms with a reasonable time. He mentioned that the election should not be delayed unnecessarily.

He said, the chief adviser to the proposal of the Islamic parties. Muhammad Yunus agreed and expressed his desire to move towards elections without delay after the necessary reforms.

In response to the question of how long is the reasonable time, Mamunul Haque said that no proposal has been given by us regarding the reasonable time. We have not discussed any specific term.

He also said that among the political parties related to Hefazet Islam, Bangladesh Khilafat Majlis, Khilafat Majlis, Jamiat Ulamae Islam Bangladesh, Nezame Islam and leaders of Khilafat movement attended the meeting.

Mamunul Haque said that each party has presented reform proposals to the chief adviser, one of the fundamental proposals that came was the reform of the electoral system. We have proposed a fundamental reform reform to ensure representation of all voters in the National Assembly.

Mamunul Haque said that the system of centralizing the power of the prime minister and creating a balance in this place, from where the dictatorship originates, is proposed.

Mamunul Haque said, many cases and hundreds of people have been injured in different movements of Hefazat Islam, many are missing – help is sought to find them. Establishing tribunals where necessary to ensure speedy trial of all murders. They demanded that those who are responsible, those who gave orders, should be brought to justice.

Mamunul Haque also said that we have proposed that no anti-Islamic law should be enacted. Also, we have asked for a one-month deadline for the Hefazat Islam case to be withdrawn through executive order or legal process.


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