The camp demands to find all the missing persons including the responsible persons

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The organization demanded to take effective measures to find all the missing persons including the six officials of the Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir who went missing during the regime of Sheikh Hasina.

Central President Manjurul Islam and Secretary General Zahidul Islam made this demand in a joint statement on International Missing Day on Friday (August 30).

In the statement, they said, ‘Waliullah and Al Muqaddas, two talented student leaders of Islamic University, Hafez Zakir Hossain of Adabar in the capital, Rezwan Hussain of Benapole, Joynal Hossain of Bandarban and Mu. Kamruzzaman- Many people including these six student camp leaders have been kept missing after being arrested by the law and order forces. The administration has not taken any effective steps to trace them, despite the continuous concern and search demands of various organizations and families. Even after the formation of the interim government some persons returned but many others including our dear brothers did not return. We are deeply concerned about this.’

The leaders of the camp said, ’12 years ago on February 4, 2012, on the way to the campus from Dhaka to Kushtia in car number 3750 of Hanif Enterprises, a brilliant student of Dawah and Islamic Studies Department of Islamic University, the former finance secretary of the student camp of Islami University branch. Al Muqaddas, former Cultural Secretary of Waliullah and a brilliant student of Fiqh Department of Islami University Branch, was arrested by law and order forces from Nabi Nagar in Ashulia. But the police have not acknowledged their arrest till today.’

The president and secretary general of the camp said, ‘On April 2, 2013, at 4 o’clock in the morning, the white-clothed law enforcement forces arrested Hafez Zakir Hossain from his house at 19/6 Tikkapara on Shyamoli Ring Road. Even after 11 years, the police did not find him. Similarly, on August 4, 2016 at 12 noon from Durgapur Bazar adjacent to Benapole Port, in the presence of SI Noor Alam of Benapole Port Police Station, in front of numerous people including shop owners, employees, student camp leader Rezwan was arrested. Eight years have passed, but even today the police have not found him.’

They also said, ‘Zainal Hossain, a member of Chhatra Shibir, went missing from Ward No. 3 of Bandarban Sadar on 23 October of the same year. The next year (2017) on April 7, Siddiquiya Kamil Madrasa’s meritorious student camp worker Mu. Kamruzzaman was taken from the Lebu Tala of Jhenaidah Sadar to the DB identity, for a long time on behalf of the organization and their families, they complained to various government and human rights organizations in search of them, without getting any results.

The leader said, ‘Domestic and foreign human rights organizations and the international community have been protesting against this inhumane and brutal behavior. However, no effective measures were taken by the dictatorial government. All these disappearances are considered a violation of international law and a crime against humanity. Even after 20 days of the formation of the interim government, no effective action has been observed from their side. We are deeply concerned about this!’

They also said, ‘In a democratic country, the administration should be fully responsible for protecting the human rights of citizens. State-sponsored disappearances are a direct blow against democracy, human rights and the rule of law. We call on the government to take clear steps against state crimes like disappearances and seek the support of the international community and human rights organizations.’

They demanded, ‘call on the interim government to immediately take visible and effective measures to ensure the search of all the missing people, including the six officials of the student camp, and to show proper sympathy and humane treatment to their families.’

Source:Noya Digonto

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