Ameer Jamaat meeting held with civil society

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Amir of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dr. Shafiqur Rahman said, “Don’t take revenge on anyone. Jamaat does not believe in revenge politics. But criminals should be brought under the law. Basically in our country the issue of majority or minority is one of the tools to exploit the society. We are all Bangladeshis irrespective of religion, caste and tribe. We are children of the same mother. So in no way should it be wasted recently. White should be called white and black should be called black. No more conspiracies can be allowed to succeed. Basically, students are the future of Bangladesh; They are our future. So there is no chance for students to get confused in any way.”

He said these things while speaking as the chief guest at a gathering organized by Dhaka Metropolitan North Jamaat in Mirpur of the capital on Friday, August 23. Under the chairmanship of Central Executive Council Member and Ameer of Dhaka Metropolitan North Muhammad Salim Uddin and Central Majlis Shura Member and Dhaka Metropolitan North Assistant Secretary Mahfuzur Rahman was present as a special guest. Naib Ameer Engineer Gholam Mustafa of Metropolis North. Former Secretary Md. Zakir Hossain Akand, Secretary General of Islamic Law Implementation Committee Mufti Faizullah Ashrafi, Kafrul Thana BNP convener Akram Babul, Mirpur Central Temple President Tapanimdrak Narayan Hor, writer and researcher and Mirpur-13 Madrasa Muhaddi Maulana Faisal Jalali and others spoke.

Dr. Ameer Jamaat. Shafiqur Rahman said, “Awami League and their allies turned the country into a fascist state undeclared. Which started from 28th October 2006 till 5th August 2024. The Awami leader claimed the emergency government as the success of their movement. This supposed emergency government declared a Jihad against corruption and promised to hold elections within 3 months, illegally extended their power for 2 years and were themselves heavily involved in corruption. And with the promise of legitimizing these corruptions and irregularities, Awami-Bakshalis were systematically brought to power.

This fascist force came to power and specifically targeted the patriotic force. In continuation of that conspiracy, they killed prominent national leaders in the name of alleged justice. They turned the country into a mafia state by torturing people of all classes and professions. They build a mountain of wealth by smuggling the country’s money abroad in the name of so-called development. Bakshalis make the country a haven for crime and criminals with murder, terrorism, anarchy, extortion, land grab, tender rigging all over the country. He called upon the public to prepare a list of these miscreants and make it public.

He urged the new generation to prepare themselves to take the leadership of tomorrow.

He said, Awami League turned the alleged militancy into a perfect tool to suppress the opposition party. They brutally and brutally killed hundreds of students. Many were injured. About 500 students suffered blindness. They made mirror houses and subjected people to unspeakable torture. They brutally tortured former Brigadier General Aman Azmi and Barrister Arman. But our tyranny has ended at the cost of hundreds of lives of the new generation. He called upon all to be united irrespective of caste and religion to make the victory meaningful.

In the president’s speech, Muhammad Salim Uddin said, “Jamaat-e-Islami is working tirelessly to make the country a welfare state. Under the guidance of Amara Muhtaram Ameer Jamaat, we are determined to establish Dhaka North as a city free from misrule, extortion and encroachment. And that is why we are running many philanthropic institutions in the city.”

Source:Bangladesh jamat E islami

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