Militant attack on new curriculum: Education Minister

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The Minister of Education commented that there was a terrorist attack on the new curriculum. Deepu Moni. 

The education minister made this comment in the president’s speech as the chancellor’s nominated representative at the fourth convocation of Jessore University of Science and Technology (Yabiprabi) on Saturday (February 18). 

Education Minister Dipu Moni participated in the fourth convocation of Jessore University of Science and Technology today Saturday as the nominated representative of the Chancellor. 

The Minister of Education commented that there was a terrorist attack on the new curriculum. Deepu Moni. The education minister made this comment in the president’s speech as the nominated representative of the chancellor at the fourth convocation of the Jessore University of Science and Technology (Yabiprabi) on Saturday.

The education minister said that the current government wants to build a smart Bangladesh. There is no substitute for education to create smart citizens. Government is working on educational programs to help create smart citizens. One group wants to disrupt this curriculum. Mentioning that universities will be set up in every district in the future, the minister said that the universities that are there are not admitting students in excess of the seats. In keeping with the world, an exam will be taken for admission in colleges and universities in the future.

He said, in the future, universities should play a role in increasing world-class skills. We should go for technical and vocational education.

Regarding the criticism of the new curriculum, the education minister said that there has been a militant attack on the new curriculum. Presenting what is not there. Editing is spreading disinformation. New books are being tested. 

In the convocation ceremony, Dr. Hasina Khan, a scientist who received the Freedom Medal and the general secretary of the Bangladesh Science Academy, said that there is no alternative to research to move Bangladesh forward. The country has all the resources to carry forward the research. The period of research is spent through thrilling emotions. There is an opportunity to learn new things in research. 

1 thousand 834 graduates participated in the convocation at undergraduate, postgraduate, MPhil and PhD levels. In this year’s convocation, 22 graduates of Yabi Prabi received the Chancellor’s Gold Medal, 26 received the Vice Chancellor’s Award and 9 received the Dean’s Award.

Source: dainikdinkal

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