BNP leader Aslam Chowdhury released from jail on bail after 8 years

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BNP central executive committee member Aslam Chowdhury has been released from jail on bail after eight years.

Aslam Chowdhury was released from Chittagong Central Jail at around 10 am on Tuesday. The senior supervisor of Chittagong Central Jail Muhammad Manjur Hossain confirmed this information to Prothom Alo.

Muhammad Manjur Hossain told Prothom Alo that Aslam Chowdhury’s bail in the latest case came to the jail. Later he was released after verifying it.

Aslam Chowdhury’s lawyer KM Saiful Islam said that a total of 76 cases were filed against his client at different times. He was already granted bail in 75 cases. He was released on bail in the latest case (2013).

Aslam Chowdhury is going to be released, hundreds of BNP leaders and activists started gathering in front of the gate of Chittagong Central Jail from this morning in the rain.

After Aslam Chowdhury came out of prison, the leaders and activists welcomed him with flowers. Later they started a truck procession with Aslam Chowdhury towards Sitakunda.

On May 15, 2016, Aslam Chowdhury was arrested from Khilkhet area of ​​the capital. The next day he was remanded under Section 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Suspicious). After receiving permission from the Ministry of Home Affairs, a sedition case was filed against Aslam Chowdhury in Gulshan Police Station on May 26 of the same year. In the case, he was accused of conspiring to overthrow the government of Bangladesh in collaboration with agents of Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad.

However, more cases were filed against Aslam Chowdhury. He was released on bail today in a case of Kotwali police station in the capital in 2013.

Aslam Chowdhury’s lawyer said, this case of 2013 is political. Aslam Chowdhury’s name was not in the statement of the case. Still he was shown arrested in this case.

Source: prothomalo

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