Electricity and gas prices are not increasing

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All ongoing activities under the controversial Electricity and Energy Fast Supply Special Act have been suspended for the time being. However, this special law, known as the Exemption Clause, will keep contracts already executed. However, the agreements will be reviewed. At the same time, the process of increasing the price of electricity and gas will also be stopped by the executive order. If necessary, price adjustments will be decided after hearing through the Energy Regulatory Commission.

After the meeting, the advisor told reporters that this government has come in exchange for the blood of the students. The current government’s job is to fulfill the hopes and aspirations of the people. He said that due to repeated increase in electricity and gas prices, people’s sufferings have increased. So no decision will be taken which will increase the suffering. We will not raise prices unless we are forced to. If necessary, the commission will talk to everyone and take a decision following its policy.

Fawzul Kabir said that all the ongoing activities under the special provisions will be closed. Decisions will be made after reviewing the agreements that have been made earlier. Because since the contract is done, it cannot be canceled at will. For this, the legal aspect should be looked into. Regarding repealing the law, he said, for this, he has to talk to the advisory council. Decision will be taken considering the overall situation. But whatever decision is taken, it will reflect the expectations of the people.

When asked about the question regarding the tariff of the agreements made in the special law, the adviser said that the matters will be reviewed.

The advisor said that it is not necessary to cancel everything of the previous government. Everything will be reviewed. Good deeds will remain. Projects which are unnecessary will be eliminated. Because continuity must be maintained in the government.

Fawzul Kabir said in response to a question whether any decision will be taken about the institutions which have contractual appointments due to political considerations, not everyone can be excluded. People will be needed for the work. If someone has committed an irregularity before, he should be given a chance. I have told the officials that they will not act as they like before. Now we have to think about the work that will fulfill the expectations of the people.

The advisor said, our main goal will be cost reduction. Protecting public interest and public expectation will be our main task.

In response to a question about the gas crisis, Fawzul Kabir Khan said, I have instructed the chairman of Petrobangla to know the specific time for the operation of the summit terminal.

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