25 Instructions of Chief Adviser to Secretaries

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The chief advisor of the interim government has given 25 instructions to the secretaries of various ministries and departments to build a new Bangladesh. Muhammad Yunus. All these instructions of the chief advisor have been sent to the secretaries and senior secretaries from the cabinet department recently.

The secretarial meeting held on September 4 was held under the chairmanship of the chief advisor. In that meeting, he gave these important directions to the senior secretaries/secretaries.

The instructions are:

1. The ‘marching order’ given by the Chief Adviser must be followed in adopting and implementing the reform program at all levels of the government to advance the new Bangladesh created by the student uprising.

2. With a creative, citizen-friendly mindset, each Ministry/Department should formulate and implement time-bound action plans for implementation of necessary reform plans on an emergency basis as well as short-, medium- and long-term reform programs.

3. In formulating the reform program, the stakeholders should be discussed and their opinions should be taken as necessary.

4. Everyone should build a new Bangladesh by ensuring honesty, devotion and accountability in their respective fields, energized by conscience and justice.

5. In order to build a new Bangladesh, it is necessary to get out of the rigid thinking, reform the thinking, and conduct government activities with the highest importance to the public interest in a creative way.

6. By rooting out corruption, by simplifying services, maximum satisfaction of the people should be achieved.

7. Budget transparency and accountability and optimal utilization of public funds should be ensured.

8. Fair competition should be ensured in government procurement and obstacles should be removed to ensure transparency, accountability.

9. At present, the interest and positive perception that has been created globally about Bangladesh should be utilized in the best way for the sake of the country.

10. Must maintain sense of responsibility and sensitivity in his duties.

11. It should be ensured that no one of the service-seekers is subjected to any kind of suffering, harassment or any kind of delay for any reason.

12. Measures should be taken to improve the law and order situation.

13. Each Ministry/Department should take up activities on priority basis.

14. Emergency supplies must be ensured and continued.

15. Care should be taken not to disrupt agricultural production.

16. We have to work together to make the government a people-friendly government.

17. Appropriate training should be provided for human resource development and training programs should be reviewed and reformed if necessary.

18. Care must be taken to ensure that power generation, supply and transmission are not disrupted.

19. An educational environment should be maintained in educational institutions.

20. Necessary initiatives should be taken to increase the domestic production of gas.

21. Food collection, storage and supply should be kept satisfactory.

22. Import dependence should be reduced and domestic production should be increased. Alternative sources of imports have to be found.

23. Consumer goods market should be monitored regularly.

24. It must be ensured that industrial production is not disrupted.

25. Order should be brought back in the financial sector.

In the letter, secretaries are requested to cooperate and take initiative in implementing these instructions and decisions given by the Chief Adviser on a priority basis. At the same time, as per the instructions of the Chief Adviser, it is requested to inform the Cabinet Department about the progress in the matter by taking necessary initiatives in applicable cases.

Source:Time News BD

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